Eating meal after breaking fast at Surau Kuarters Guru, Kg Jawa, Klang, Selangor, Malaysia yesterday.
Riyad as-Salihin 1234 (Book 8, Hadith 244) #37723
Hastening to Break Fast and Pray
SUMMARY: This hadith is about the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and his companion 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud, who would hasten to break their fast and perform the Maghrib prayer.
Abu Atiyyah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Masruq and I visited 'Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) and said: "O Mother of the Believers! There are two Companions of Muhammad ﷺ and neither of them holds back from doing good acts; but one of them hastens to break Saum (fasting) and hastens to perform the Maghrib prayer, while the other delays breaking Saum and delays performing Salat (prayer)". She asked, "Who is the one who hastens to break Saum and perform the Maghrib prayer?" Masruq said, "It is 'Abdullah (meaning 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud)". She said, "The Messenger of Allah ﷺ used to do so". Muslim.
وعن أبي عطية قال: دخلت أنا ومسروق على عائشة رضي الله عنها فقال لها مسروق: رجلان من أصحاب محمد ﷺ كلاهما لا يألو عن الخير: أحدهما يعجل المغرب والإفطار، والآخر يؤخر المغرب والإفطار؟ فقالت: من يعجل المغرب والإفطار؟ قال: عبد الله - يعني ابن مسعود- فقالت: هكذا كان رسول الله ﷺ يصنع" ((رواه مسلم)).
Be mindful when it comes to fasting during Ramadan or any other time throughout the year; strive towards doing good deeds quickly without hesitation or procrastination; reap rewards from Allah SWT both in this world and hereafter by doing good deeds quickly .
This hadith is about two companions of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, Abu Atiyyah and Masruq. They visited Aishah, one of the wives of the prophet ﷺ, and asked her about a companion who was known for hastening to break his fast at sunset and performing Maghrib prayer afterwards. Aishah replied that this was something that the prophet himself used to do as well. This hadith teaches us that it is important for Muslims to be mindful when it comes to fasting during Ramadan or any other time throughout the year; we should not delay breaking our fast or performing our prayers but rather strive to do them in a timely manner so as not to miss out on any blessings from Allah SWT. Additionally, this hadith also serves as an example for us on how we should live our lives; just like how 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud strived towards doing good deeds quickly without hesitation or procrastination, we too should strive towards doing good deeds with haste in order to reap its rewards in both worlds - this world and hereafter.
- IslamiCity
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