

Tuesday 12 July 2016

The Holy Quran

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The Quran is the Recitation. The Quran is the final and complete revelation of Allah. 
During the lifetime of Muhammad, the angel Gabriel appeared to Muhammad in visions and revelations and progressively gave him the Quran, which is the revelation of Allah's will. In the early days of Muhammad's revelation, much of what he was revealed was recorded on stones, shreds of paper, or committed to memory. The Quran is not in a chronological or organized format.

Reliability of the Quran:

The Quran was textual issues much like the OT (MT, LXX, DSS) and assembled much like the NT (councils and parallel texts). So while the originality of the Quran is not very reliable, most Muslims aren't familiar with the scholarship and most certainly don't approach the subject as a Western scholar.

The best way to question the reliability of the Quran (Muslims use non-Western thought) is to introduce a point of doubt or confusion so as to stop their cyclical rationale (The Quran is the Word of God because it says it is). For example Muslims believe the Quran to be a divine "eternal miracle" of God, written in the purest and most perfect Arabic ever known to man. A Muslim's circular rationale says the proof of the Quran being the eternal miracle of Allah is the perfect Arabic (divine) which no man can ever reproduce. Of course this assumes that the proof of divine inspiration lies in the language.

Several years after Muhammad died, one of the leaders (Uthman) burned all the deviant manuscripts that did not align with The Quran. Thus there are not parallel copies of the original Quran and Muslims use this to prove the Quran's divine inspired. "The Quran is the Word of Allah. He has preserved it, and it cannot change." But you cannot prove that the original Quran remains existent and unchanged when there is nothing to compare it to. The Bible has stood the test of time. If the Bible is the word of God, then it will stand and remain.

Teaching of the Quran:

Quran 3:85: If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who lost (all spiritual good).

God Is. God rules; God creates; God sends; God guides; God ordains; God has mercy; God judges. The Quran teaches Allah's sovereignty, his power, his mercy, his greatness.Allahu akbar ­ "God is Great!" This literally means "God is Greater", because you cannot say "God is Greater than ___" because that is comparing him to something. Muhammad and the Quran teach that Allah is the God who is to be served. In contrast Jesus is the God who came to serve.

The six main teaching of the Quran are the following:
(1) You must to believe in Allah.

(2) You must believe in the Angels.

(3) You must believe in the Books.

(4) You must believe in the Messengers (prophets). Thousands of messengers have been sent, but the only ones that are known and valid are the ones named in the Quran.
(5) You must believe in the Day of Judgment. There is the torture and judgment in the grave, but the general/final judgment comes at the end of time.

(6) You must believe in Fate. Islamic fate teaches that God has ordained everything, including good and evil.
The Quran speaks in very spiritual terms regarding God, worship, and righteous living. The Quran explicitly denies Christ, his relationship with the Father, his crucifixion, and his resurrection. There is a clear spiritual force behind the Quran that reduces Christ to a mere man. While portions of the Quran appear demonically inspired, many of the facts and rationale reflect Muhammad's misunderstandings.

One of Muhammad's wives (Aishah) said this about his character. "His nature was the Quran [khuluquhu al-Quran]; he approved what it approved and he hated what it hated."
The Quran is overtly anti-Christ. It denies his death and resurrection. The Quran rejects Jesus as the Son of God (Quran 4:171), and states that Jesus is not the sacrifice of God (Quran 4:157). The Bible and the Quran are inherently opposed and you cannot reconcile the two on this issue. Because the Quran strongly and continually denies Christ, there is a side to the Quran that is overtly demonic in inspiration. Many Muslims and Christians affirm that the Quran has a tremendous amount of influence and power, with the help of spiritual forces.

Allah in the Quran:

The Quran is the revelation of Allah's Will for humans. The Quran teaches that we only have access to the Will of Allah. The revelation is not a revelation of Allah, but the revelation of his Will. We cannot know the nature of Allah, and as Muslims we are not to think on or meditate on the nature of God. If all we have is his Will, then we must submit to that Will and Do it. The Quran is full of imperatives for us to do his Will (Do This! 330 times). There are 130 commands (faraj) that are to be done everyday otherwise you sin.

A Muslim's task is to submit. Morality is about submission ­ submitting and doing the will of Allah. The normative relationship in the Quran is Allah is our master (rab) and we are the slave (abd). The emphasis in the Quran is on the qualities of God that demand obedience. 
We don't want Allah to be displeased with us, so we are driven by fear. In Christianity obedience to God's will is motivated by love. In Islam you submit so you won't be cast away. Islam means obedience and peace. Peace can ONLY be experienced when you submit to the will of Allah. Peace doesn't necessarily have an emotional component as in Christianity. 
Faith in Islam is the action of submitting to Allah's will.

Quran 112:1-4 "Proclaim, 'He is the One and only GOD. The Absolute GOD. Never did He beget. Nor was He begotten. None equals Him."


The Hadith are found in separate books from the Quran. The hadith consist of all the actions, sayings, decisions, and deeds of the Prophet. There are over 600,000 hadith.

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