

Thursday 25 July 2024

Is There Relief With Every Difficulty?

I understand that when someone is suffering or in pain, they do not always mean everything they say.

Everyone faces problems at some time in their life. They never really go away. But Allah says in the Quran what means:

{So verily with every difficulty there is relief. Verily with every difficulty there is relief.} (Al-Inshirah 94:5-6)

This is part of life. It is never always easy, nor is it always bad.

Good and bad times come and go. We have to hold on to what we know is true and will never go away, Allah and His mercy.

If we are born with a disfiguration or a disease, we must consider this a test of our determination or faith, not as a ruthless act by God Almighty.

There is Always Hope

We must remain optimistic that our lives will improve and always remember that no matter how bad things may become it is never bad enough to give up our faith!

There is an old saying that says: “every cloud has a silver lining”. It is possible that something we dislike, or even a disaster, can have great benefit in it, but we don’t see it at the time.

On the other hand, something we like can be harmful, while we don’t realize it.

Allah knows best what is good for us and what harms us.

Our knowledge is quite limited so we need to keep our faith in Allah that He will never leave us when we are in need of Him and He will only give us what benefits us.

Also, He will never lay a burden on us that we cannot bear. The Quran reads what means:

{…On no soul doth Allah place a burden greater than it can bear…} (Al-Baqarah 2:286)

This instills us with great hope that our situation will improve, eventually.

The improvement may come quickly or take some time. It may never improve.

It doesn’t really matter because if we hold on firmly to our belief in God and in His mercy, our patience will be rewarded many times over for every obstacle or suffering we endured in this life.

Matters of Faith

So never give up your faith in Him.

God commands what is good and forbids what is harmful. It is not His fault if we disobey His commands. They are for our benefit, not His.

If we follow His guidance, there is great benefit to us in this life and a never-ending reward in the next life. If we disobey, we will suffer in this life and the next.

We should not put the blame on God for everything. Why do we not do something about human suffering when it is totally within our abilities as human beings, individually or collectively, to do so?

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