

Saturday 1 June 2024

Why Do We Cut Hair in Hajj?


Hajj and its rituals, as well as other important acts of worship, are instituted by Allah for purposes; some of them are plainly clear to us, while others are not so clear. Allah is Wise and All-Knowing, and all of His laws have tangible benefits.

Hajj is a once in a lifetime journey whose primary purpose is to help Muslims witness the great signs of God and to remind them of their final journey to Allah.

A pilgrim enters ihram while freeing himself from all of the worldly entanglements and evidence of status or wealth demonstrating his poverty and dependence on Allah. He is dusty and disheveled; and hence, once he completes the rituals he sheds the hair as a symbolic demonstration of coming out of the state of consecration.

Imam Shah Waliyullah explains the wisdom of shedding the hair in Hajj as follows:

“It is the sure way of coming out of ihram in a manner that does not bespeak irreverence. If one were left to follow his or her way in doing so, each person would have followed his way. Furthermore, it suggests a perfect manner of ending the state of being disheveled; therefore it is akin to uttering salam on both sides at the conclusion of Prayer.”

Allah Almighty knows best.


About Sheikh Ahmad Kutty
Sheikh Ahmad Kutty is a Senior Lecturer and an Islamic Scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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