

Saturday 30 January 2016

Placing hands on chest while standing in prayer


Where is the best place to put our hands when we are standing in prayer?


It is best to place your right hand over your left hand and place them on your chest, as this is the obvious meaning of the hadîth found in Sahîh Bukhârî (730) related by Sahl b. Mas`ad al-Sâ`idî.

This is also the meaning of the hadîth of Wâ’il b. Hajar, who relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) “...used to place them on his chest.” 

Ibn Khuzaymah (479), al-Bayhaqî (2/30), and Abû Dâwûd (759) relate the following from Tâ`ûs: “Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) used to place his right hand over his left and place them on his chest while he was praying." 

Ahmad (5/226) relates from Qubaydah b. Halab that his father said: “I saw the Prophet (peace be upon him) turn towards his left and right after finishing his prayers. I saw him place this on his chest” - whereby the narrator placed his right hand over his left at the wrist and placed them on his chest. 

Al-Albânî says in his book about the funeral prayers (p. 118): “These are three hadîth that show us that the Sunnah is to place our hands over our chests. No one who takes all of them together can doubt that they are sufficient as evidence.” 

Al-Tirmidhî (2/81) says in his Sunan (2/81): “The Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him), the Successors, and those who came after them were of the opinion that a man should place his right hand over his left in prayer. Some of them were of the view that they should be placed above the navel and others were of the view that they should be placed below the navel. They saw a wide scope in all of this.” 

And Allah knows best.

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