

Monday, 3 March 2025

Tied to Kitchen: How Do Women Make the Most of Ramadan?


This is an extremely pertinent issue that is faced by a large number of Muslim sisters around the globe. Might I add, it is also an issue that we, as an ummah, need to deal with once and for all. In order to achieve the greater good for our forthcoming generations, our mothers deserve a break!

Change begins from within: our mindset about Ramadan

As far as food intake goes during Ramadan, most Muslims seem to have the wrong mindset. Fasting during Ramadan does not deprive a Muslim of nutrition. Rather, by abstaining from normal food intake during daylight hours, the body gets detoxified. The stomach receives a yearly rest. 

The fasting routine, when followed properly, is very beneficial for a Muslim’s overall health.

Allah says in the Qur’an, about Ramadan fasting:

God wills that you shall have ease, and does not will you to suffer hardship;” [2:185]

This verse clearly states that Ramadan fasting is not meant to be a physical hardship for Muslims. Yet, many Muslims perceive it to be just that. That it taxes their bodies by depriving them of its requisite food intake. That is why they deliberately eat more during this month. They binge heartily on unhealthy foods throughout the night. They do this in order to make up for the perceived “loss of nutrition”.

This mindset about Ramadan is utterly wrong.

Ramadan fasting does not deplete our body of resources. As long as we take a healthy and filling suhoor and iftar. Even if we feel hunger and thirst during the day, fasting is not detrimental for our health. Rather, it gives our livers and stomachs a much needed yearly rest!

Eating a filling meal at suhoor, the regular dinner meal at iftar, and staying hydrated during the night. This is what every Muslim should do throughout Ramadan. Our daily iftar meal should resemble the dinner that we eat throughout the year. Sans the fried finger-snacks, high-tea items, special desserts or sweet drinks.

As for suhoor, a power-packed breakfast meal is enough. The same kind that the modern fitness industry endorses. These “power breakfasts” last longer in the stomach.

The fasting Muslim should take extra care to hydrate well during the night. That is, they should drink at least 10 glasses of water.

Sisters need to put their foot down

I think that the situation of Muslim sisters around the globe will only change once they put their foot down. I do not mean that they should be rude and argumentative. Instead, they should resolutely refuse to cook elaborate meals during Ramadan. Period!

This will, however, take patience on their part. They will have to deal with some backlash in the beginning.

But they should hang in there and not give in.

It is normal for husbands and children to desire their favorite foods whilst fasting. E.g. special desserts and meaty main courses requiring hours of work. However, mothers need to change their response to their family’s demands.

Instead of caving in and cooking the foods that their families demand. A Muslim mother’s response should be: “Ïnsha’Allah, we will eat this after Ramadan. Maybe during the days of Eid. But during this month, be patient for Allah. Eat only healthy, filling, and nutritious meals. Focus just on worship.

The Muslim woman has to educate her family. That this month is meant to be a “break” from regular eating/drinking patterns. Not a time to indulge in greater portions of one’s favorite foods.
We are not doing a favor to Allah by fasting in Ramadan. We are submitting to Him, body and soul.

This month is about worship, patience, and a certain level of abstinence.

Comparison with the fitness and wellness industry

Muslim wives and mothers should advise their families, by making a simple comparison. They should educate them about what the experts in the fitness industry advise. This advise corroborates the Muslims’ yearly Ramadan regimen.

People who follow the advice of their trainers, eat and drink less during the day. They focus on starting the day with “power” breakfasts very early in the morning, and staying well-hydrated. Also, wellness industry experts recommend daily “meditation” to remain spiritually connected.

Those non-Muslims who follow this advice, achieve good overall health. Both mental and physical. They discipline their minds and bodies well, in order to achieve their worldly fitness goals.

For Muslims, the month of Ramadan is already a physical and spiritual “retreat”! A month in which they submit to Allah, and worship Him more. They tolerate hunger and thirst, and give up sleep and socializing. They give more charity, and exhibit more patience.

Keep meals simple: focus on ease and speed

Muslim sisters need to come up with unique, quick recipes for Ramadan. The focus should be on those that are easy to prepare and nutritious. They need to keep in mind, 3 basic factors:

  1. Nutrition and health.
  2. Logistical and practical ease of preparation.
  3. Their family’s tastes and preferences.

It is Allah’s blessing, that innumerable recipe videos abound online. Unlike ever before in history, today we can watch countless videos teaching the same recipe. A wife and mother should use wisdom and avail these resources. She can also come up with her own recipes.

She should choose recipes in which ingredients can be easily processed. Further, she can use the help of appliances. Such as rice cookers, blenders, ovens, and crock-pots. One-pot casseroles and oven-bakes are easier to prepare. Dinner can be ready merely minutes after putting all ingredients into a tray or pot. She should avoid frying during Ramadan. Soups, meat and vegetable grills, and sandwiches should be given preference. Cooking oil should be replaced with olive oil.

As for suhoor, oat porridge, overnight oats (in mason jars), or power-packed cereals are best. Blessed ingredients such as honey, chia seeds, black seeds, deseeded dates, milk, and barley can be added to these.

Last, but not the least, sisters should request all family members to do their bit. Everyone should chip in and help out with the cooking/cleaning up. Every family member who is old enough, can wash up their own dish. They can also help out in laying the the table, and clearing up afterwards.

Muslim sisters should advise and mentor their families about one thing. That Ramadan is a month when everyone in the family should able to worship easily. And whobetter to help out in her prayer and fasting, than our own mothers?

May Allah make Ramadan food preparation easy for all Muslim sisters around the globe! Aameen.

And Allah knows best.


About Sadaf Farooqi
Sadaf Farooqi is an author, blogger and freelance writer based in Karachi, Pakistan. To date, Sadaf has authored over 300 original articles, most of which can be accessed on her blog, "Sadaf's Space" ( She has recently started self-publishing her past articles as non-fiction Islamic books, which are available on Amazon and Kindle (

Sunday, 2 March 2025

The First Ten Days of Ramadan – A Focus on Mercy and Forgiveness


The Most Merciful

These first ten days are often a time of adjustment to the routine of fasting and increased prayer. Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar is a precious time when we can draw closer to our Lord. By devoting yourself in worship, you can gain His mercy and forgiveness.

The first third of the month, the first ten days, is known as the time of mercy. It is a reminder that The Most Merciful is with us and a motivation to refine your actions and extend mercy to those around us.


“It is a month, the first (part) of which is mercy, the middle (part) of which is forgiveness and the last (part) of which is freedom from the Fire” [Ibn Khuzaimah]

Below we have compiled suggested acts of worship from the Qur’an and Sunnah that you can do during the first ten days of Ramadan 2023.


Praying at Night

Although perhaps the most significant part of Ramadan is the obligation to fast for those who are eligible, prayer at night can be spiritually rewarding. Ramadan is the time to increase your prayer and supplications and praying at night can bring a huge amount of peace due to the mercy of Allah (swt).


“Is one who is devoutly obedient during periods of the night, prostrating and standing [in prayer], fearing the Hereafter and hoping for the mercy of his Lord, [like one who does not]? Say, “Are those who know equal to those who do not know?” Only they will remember [who are] people of understanding.” (Holy Qur’an 39:9)

The night prayer, Tahajjud, is an extremely rewarding experience and one which you can slowly introduce if you do not do this regularly. Try to also increase your prayers during the day and join Tarawih congregational prayer at your local mosque too to feel the Ramadan community spirit.


Be Merciful to Others

Aside from fasting and prayer, you can complete many virtuous deeds during this month which will increase Allah (swt)’s mercy towards you. By remembering the struggles of others and relieving their hardship, you will gain extra reward and forgiveness.


“Be merciful to others and you will receive mercy. Forgive others and Allah will forgive you” (Musnad Ahmad)

Ramadan is a time when we should be extra aware of our actions and words. Whilst fasting, we should abstain from harsh words, anger, gossip, lies or any action or speech which could hurt other people and nullify our fasts. Be merciful to those around you and maintain Sabr (patience).


Kindness to orphans, widows and those in need

Around the world millions of people are suffering. The long-lasting effects of Covid19, increased natural disaster due to climate change, flooding, drought, conflict and long-term poverty are having devastating effects.

Donating Sadaqah or Zakat, is also an act of mercy. Donating to charity is an act of mercy to people across the world who are struggling due to poverty, disease, war or natural disaster. Your donation during these first ten days for the sake of Allah (swt), can count as an act of mercy for which you will be rewarded.

From among these people there are those who are particularly vulnerable and in need of your help. Orphaned children and those living in challenging conditions are often denied the right to education and safety. Widows are left struggling to support their families. The sick and elderly struggle the most.

By donating Sadaqah Jariyah, charity which has long-lasting affect, you can help to change their lives for the better.

Support a Maktab so a child can feel safe, cared for and learn, can help lift them out of poverty. Providing livelihood support through training and tools can help women provide for their families and feel empowered. Healthcare such as surgery to reverse blindness can help people back in to work and give them back dignity and independence.

During these first ten days, have mercy on those across Pakistan, Uganda and Turkey and help to change their future. Your Sadaqah or Zakat can show them mercy and ease their hardship, increasing His mercy to you.


 ‘If anyone relieves a Muslim believer from one of the hardships of this worldly life, Allah will relieve him of one of the hardships of the Day of Resurrection.’ (Muslim)


Learn these small prayers to gain His mercy

The following prayers from the Qur’an and Sunnah can be memorised and recited to gain the mercy of Allah (swt):


رَّبِّ اغْفِرْ وَارْحَمْ وَأَنتَ خَيْرُ الرَّاحِمِينَ’

Rabbi ighfir warham wa anta khair-ur-raahimeen

’And [O Prophet] say, “My Lord, forgive and have mercy, and You are the best of the merciful”’. (Qur’an, 23:118)


‘اللّهُـمَّ إِنَّـي أَسْـأَلُـكَ بِرَحْمَـتِكَ الّتِي وَسِـعَتْ كُلَّ شيْء، أَنْ تَغْـفِرَ لي’

Allaahumma inni as’aluka bi-rahmatika al-lati wasi’at kulla shay’in an taghfira li

‘O Allah, I ask You by Your mercy which envelopes all things, that You forgive me.’


‘اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِي وَارْحَمْنِي وَأَلْحِقْنِي بِالرَّفِيقِ الأَعْلَى’

Allahuma ighfir li warhamni wa alhiqni bir-rafiq-il-a’laa

Aisha (ra) said, ‘I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) saying at his death, “O Allah, forgive me and have mercy on me, and join me with the Highest Company”’. (Tirmidhi)


At the time of mercy, you can keep hopes alive.

This Ramadan, embrace these first ten days and extend mercy to those around the world who are suffering. As you reflect this Ramadan and increase in gratitude, give to others in Sadaqah and your generosity can brighten their Ramadan. With your support, we can ensure that those who are fasting have a nutritious and filling iftar meal at the end of each day or clean water to quench their thirst.

Your mercy can keep their hopes alive. -

Glimpses of the Prophet’s Courage


It is said that in times of fear and sadness the real inner self of the person surfaces; and this is true as attested to by numerous incidents that happened to countless people throughout history and at all times. This has been happening even to all of us. No one can deny this at all.

However, in case of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), history attests to the fact that he would never act inappropriately, like most tend to do when under the spell of fright and fear.

Imagine that when the polytheists of Makkah made up their minds to assassinate him on the night of Hijrah to Madinah,  he bravely and indifferently walked through the ranks of those waiting to slay him at his door while reciting the following two ayahs from surah Ya-Sin the translation of which may read,

{And We [i.e. Allah] have set a bar before them and a bar behind them, and (thus) have covered them so that they see not.} (Ya-Sin 36: 9)

Even in times of battling and warring, he (peace and blessings be upon him) displayed the best of courage and determination.

It is `Ali ibn Abi Talib, his cousin and son-in-law who is quoted to have said,

“When the Battle of Badr was continuing with all its vigor, we were taking refuge behind the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him). He was by far our bravest… he would always be positioned closest to the enemy ranks.” (Musnad Ahmed, Vol. I, P. 86)

Imagine that one of the bravest Muslim Companions, `Ali ibn Abi Talib, himself says so about the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); how can one imagine the bravery and courage of the Prophet himself while one of the best of the best fighters in the Cause of Allah says so about him and also takes refuge behind him when the fighting becomes violent and hot!

In another narration by another hero from among the Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), namely, Bara’ ibn `Azib, reads,

“By Allah, whenever the battle got fierce, we would seek the shelter of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him).We would regard the next most courageous as he, courageous enough to stand in the same line as him.” (Musnad Ahmed, Jihad, 79)

It is worth-noting here that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was not trying in any way to prove himself to be brave or courageous; rather, he was out only to raise the Word of Allah and render His religion the highest, and that is why he would always be in the frontline of battle no matter how fierce or hot it is.

During the Battle of Hunayn, despite the initial confusion and disorder of the Muslim army, he lost none of his resolve and determination and leapt towards the enemy lines.

By so doing, he raised the spirits and courage of his Companions, until they were able to claim victory with Allah’s Help and Assistance. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said, as narrated by Abu Hurairah:

Allah guaranteed anyone going out (for Jihad) in the cause of Allah [the following]:

‘If he goes out with no motive other than faith in Me and belief in My Messengers, I will return him with whatever he acquired of reward or booty, or I will admit him to Paradise [in case of his death]’

Had I not found it difficult for my followers, then I would not remain behind any sariyah (military unit or detachment) going for Jihad.

Indeed, I wish I could be martyred in Allah’s Cause and then made alive, and then martyred and then made alive, and then again martyred in His Cause. (Al-Bukhari Vol. I, Hadith 35)

Yes, that was the wish of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), to join the fighting forces and be martyred and be revived again to fight once more and be martyred again and again .

All this only to raise the banner of Islam as high as Allah loves and to weaken or destroy the grip of the tyrants who forbid their peoples from listening to or even hearing the Word of Allah brought to humanity at the hands of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) to enable these people to exercise their right to choose for themselves and not to be just blind followers of their despotic kings and rulers.

This is the very essence of war and jihad in Islam which abhors terror, fighting and warring but only uses force to restore the oppressed peoples their free will and ability to choice.

Another important point that should be highlighted here is that the bravery of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was not in any way a form of rashness or lightheadedness; rather, it was rational, reasonable and wise.

Let us take a look at the seizure he made to the Ta’if fortress which lasted for more than forty days during which he (peace and blessings be upon him) knew that the provisions and supplies inside the fortress would suffice those inhabiting it for at least one full year, if not more.

Thereupon, he, the brave leader, compared the advantages and disadvantages of the seizure – something like doing a SWOT Analysis –and found out that continuing the seizure would harm the Muslim State as the Muslim army is not just an army;rather, it is indeed the whole Muslim Ummahat large.

In addition, only a few men were left behind in Madinah to protect and guard the women, children and properties; hence, it is vulnerable to attacks from the polytheists and the Jews. Therefore, he made up his mind to abort the seizure, stop the operation and return to Madinah.

His bravery (peace and blessings be upon him) was also mixed with mercy and compassion so that he never used his courage but in battles for hoisting the banner of Allah high.

Therefore, there is not a single incident throughout history in which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) avenged himself on anything and he never used the force but for raising the Word of Allah.

`A’ishah reported that,

“Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) never beat anyone with his hand, neither a woman nor a servant, but only, in the case when he had been fighting in the cause of Allah and he never took revenge for anything unless the things made inviolable by Allah were  violated; he then took revenge for Allah, the Exalted and Glorious.” (Muslim, 5756)

This is how the Prophet’s bravery was based on certainty, resolution, principles and ethics; and this is how it became an example to be emulated by those who follow until the Day of Judgment… what a courage!


About Dr. Ali Al-Halawani
Dr. Ali Al-Halawani is Assistant Professor of Linguistics and Translation Studies. He is an author, translator, and writer based in Canada. To date, Al-Halawani authored over 400 original articles on Islam and Muslims, most of which can be accessed on and other famous websites. He has recently started to self-publish his articles and new books, which are available on Amazon and Kindle. You can reach him at