

Friday, 31 January 2025

Gratefulness Impacts Happiness


A time of embracing family and being nostalgic.

Gratitude is very much a spiritual benefit that enhances our mood, allows us to take account of our blessings, as well as enables us to see hardships as lessons.

This type of perspective encourages positivity and a greater quality of life.

Simply put, gratittude impacts happiness. Our perspective is our reality.

A grateful perspective is one that helps us on our path of spiritual awakening and appreciation.

“And, indeed, We granted this wisdom unto Luqman ,Be grateful unto God-for he who is grateful [unto Him] is but grateful for the good of his own self; whereas he who chooses to be ungrateful [ought to know that], verily, God is self-sufficient, ever to be praised.” Quran 31:12

 Gratefulness Improves our Moods

As an advocate for positive psychology, I see the benefit of gratefulness as part of a healing process as well as an everyday lifestyle.

It also employs an element of optimism and happiness. Instead of seeing the pantry as half-empty, choose to see it as half-full and say THANK YOU to your higher power.

Be grateful and optimistic instead of negative and pessimistic.

Say Alhamdulillah, which means all thanks and praise to God.

These are the beginning steps towards working for self-actualization and happiness.

Appreciate even the smallest things and remember gratefulness impacts happiness as well as our spirituality.

When we show gratitude, we place more value on what is occurring. The more we value something, the more of an investment we will make.

Gratefulness Linked to Spirituality

We can look at humans as having four elements, which are all linked.

When we strive to be more conscious of this and self-aware, we can better improve our mental state.

The 4 elements, along with examples, are as follows:

Physical – (Our Behaviors)

Adam is grateful that William helped him study for his exams.

Adam walks up to William, shakes his hand, and says “Thank you so much for assisting me“.

Adam says alhamdulillah for the good grade. Adam later gives William a nice pen as a token of   appreciation.

Mental – (Thoughts/Beliefs)

Adam believes that William is a great friend and deserves to be shown gratitude for his actions.

Adam thinks that William is becoming more trustworthy as a friend. Adam believes that William is a blessing to him.

Emotional – (Feelings)

Adam feels happier, and so does William.

Spiritual – (Our Soul, Which Encompasses All of These)

Adam’s heart opens more to William. Adam makes duaa for William and feels a brotherhood.

Adam’s inner self has a little more gratitude and a feeling of inner light.

Using that above example, William would be impacted positively by the gratefulness shown by Adam.

We can see that gratefulness impacts happiness as well as encourages trust with his friend through their hearts/spirituality opening up more to one another as a deeper bond develops.

William will reciprocate the gratefulness as he appreciates the friendship.

A cycle of gratitude, trust, and a deeper, more spiritual bond can develop.

“And when your Lord made it known: If you are grateful, I would certainly give to you more, and if you are ungrateful, My chastisement is truly severe.” Quran 14:7

Gratefulness Final Thoughts

We know that gratitude impacts happiness and overall well-being.

Being grateful is so much more than just saying thank you to a person or, alhamdulillah.

Being grateful is a lifestyle, an overall attitude and a choice to take a positive and spiritual perspective on life.

If we believe that all things happen for a reason, then surely we must be grateful for all things good and bad because they have a purpose.

We may not be able to determine what that purpose is and it may be difficult to accept, but the ability to say Alhamdulillah or “thank you” even in times of hardship shows a strong inclination towards positivity and a strengthening of our spiritual self.

Gratefulness Exercise

Let us work towards improving our gratefulness. Today, consciously scan your day for things you are grateful for and say Alhamdulillah.

After one of your 5 daily prayers today, before you stand up, sit and reflect on the blessings you have in your life, and with a heartfelt intention, make dhikr.

Try to think of something for each time you say Alhamdulillah.



 Originally published on the author’s blog.

About Monique Hassan
Monique Hassan graduated with honors in 2012 with her BSc in Psychology and a minor in Biology and is certified in Crisis Prevention and Intervention. She has years of professional as well as personal experience with trauma, relationship struggles, substance abuse, identifying coping skills, conflict resolution, community outreach, and overall mental health concerns. She is a professional writer specialized in Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Health. She is also a revert who took her shahada in 2015, Alhamdulillah. You can contact Sister Monique Hassan via her website ""

Thursday, 30 January 2025

What is the Importance of Qadar as an Article of Faith?


First, we should understand what qadar means.

For understanding’s sake we may simplify it as thus: qadar is the belief that every happening in the universe occurs within the parameters of a system God has set in motion, and that He has prior knowledge of it and nothing can happen apart from His Will.

Your question arises from the point of view of a Christian who is content with the belief that he is saved on the basis of his faith in Christ’s redemptive death on the cross.

The Christian creed (i.e. the Nicene Creed or the Apostles’ Creed) does not have anything to do with Divine Decree (qadar) as such.

The Gospel (i.e. the recorded teachings of Jesus considered as the foundation of Christianity) and the Quran have a lot of difference between them, which also could be a hindrance for you in understanding the Muslim emphasis on qadar.

You have written that for Christians it is simple, as God doesn’t make it our responsibility to know where we will end up.

Humans in general do not know where they will end up ultimately.

It all depends on Allah’s grace and mercy. Qadar for Muslims is a matter of faith; because it is part of our understanding of Allah as the Creator, Sustainer, and Ruler of the universe.

Differing from the Gospel, the Quran gives a number of verses describing the Majesty and Power of God, such as the following:

{SAY: “O God, Lord of all dominion! You grant dominion unto whom You will, and take away dominion from whom You will; and You exalt whom You will, and abase whom You will, In Your hand is all good. Verily, You have the power to will anything.} (Quran 3:26) also (Quran 2:255)

I presume that a pious Christian would have little disagreement with the concept of God presented in the above verse. But of course, Christianity does not make the idea of believing in qadar as implied in the above verse, an article of faith.

Hence your question: “Why do I need belief in destiny as an article of faith?”

Submission to Allah’s Will

Islam is submission to God’s will.

God willed the universe and everything in it into being. When He means to create anything, He simply commands: “Be” and it is. And nothing happens except by the will of God.

A Muslim is a person who willingly accepts whatever is willed by Allah, no matter whether it is pleasant or unpleasant.

Remember what Jesus said to God:

[Abba, Father, all things are possible to thee; remove this cup from me; yet not what I will, but what thou wilt.] (Mark 14:36).

This in fact is submission to the will of God, or Islam itself.

Qadar, in simple terms, is the will of God as realized in the universe, in the world around us and in our life.

An element of qadar is causation. Every event in the universe has a cause that is basically linked to qadar which is the natural corollary of the concept of the Creator.

The Quran gives us knowledge of the will of God and tells us that He created the human as His khalifah – vicegerent, ambassador, or deputy – on earth.

That is to say, human beings have the responsibility of managing their lives in the world following the commandments of God.

Allah says in the Quran that He created all that is on earth for the use of human beings:

{He it is who has created for you all that is on earth […]} (Quran 2:29)

Circumstances Beyond Our Control

As a human, gifted with God-given faculties, sets about changing the world around him/her; he/she becomes aware of the shortcomings and limitations which encumber his/her progress.

He/she is confronted by what one may call “circumstances beyond our control”, which makes a believer aware of how much he/she needs to seek the help and guidance of God even in the areas where we might foolishly think ourselves capable.

These are occasions in which we are face to face with qadar.

Indeed all events and actions occur only by the will of Allah. Whatever Allah wills, happens. And whatever He does not will, does not happen.

So according to Islamic teaching, to acknowledge qadar is part of a Muslim’s Submission to God.  

You write: “God knows who are His, but we have forgiveness for past, present and future sins, but that is not possible outside of Christ.”

In this context, we can consider what Jesus taught a man who came seeking the way to eternal life:

[(16) And behold, one came up to him, saying, “Teacher, what good deed must I do, to have eternal life?” (17) And he said to him, “Why do you ask me about what is good? One there is who is good. If you would enter life, keep the commandments.” (18) He said to him, “Which?” And Jesus said, “You shall not kill, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness, (19) Honor your father and mother, and, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.] (Matthew 19:16-19)

The foregoing means that keeping the commandments is the way to eternal life.

What commandments?

The answer is clear: the Ten Commandments given to MosesAnd particularly remember the First and the greatest commandment given in the Torah:  

[Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord; (5) and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.] (Deuteronomy 6:4)

And in the Gospel, Jesus reaffirms it:

[And Jesus declared, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and the greatest commandment.] (Matthew 22:37,38)

Where in the Gospel does Jesus say that he as God (or apart from God) is the Forgiver of sins?  

On the contrary Jesus says:

[I can do nothing on my own. I judge as God tells me. Therefore, my judgment is just, because I carry out the will of the one who sent me, not my own will.] (John 5:30)

The Quran teaches that it is God who can forgive sins:

{To Allah belong all that is in the heavens and on earth. He forgives whom He pleases and punishes whom He pleases; but Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful} (Quran 3:129)   


About Professor Shahul Hameed
Professor Shahul Hameed is an Islamic consultant. He also held the position of the President of the Kerala Islamic Mission, Calicut, India. He is the author of three books on Islam published in the Malayalam language. His books are on comparative religion, the status of women, and science and human values.

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Why is Honesty So Rare Nowadays?


“When honesty is lost, then wait for the Hour (the Day of Judgment)’’ (Al-Bukhari)

These are the noble words of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

They paint a picture of the time leading up to the Day of Judgment, when righteous people will be sorrowful due to the lack of honesty around them.

In the 21st century, we live in a world where honesty is still valued and yet shunned at the same time. We expect people to be honest in their dealings and transactions with us yet we watch and applaud television shows and movies that promote and encourage lying and deceitfulness in our society.

With our negligence, we teach our children that dishonesty is acceptable. When we expect our children to tell the caller on the telephone we are not home, this is a lesson in deceit for the leaders of tomorrow. When we refuse invitations and pretend we are busy, this is lying.

We admonish our children for lying, yet the reality is we have been their teachers. Whether we tell lies, or we allow our children to live in a world surrounded by deceit, the lesson is learned and the honesty begins to disappear from the hearts of the next generation.

Furthermore, honesty incorporates the concepts of truthfulness and reliability and it resides in all human thought, words, actions and relationships.  It is more than just accuracy; it is more than just truthfulness, it denotes integrity or moral soundness. Islam commands truthfulness and forbids lying. God commands that a Muslim be honest.

O you who believe!  Fear God, and be with those who are true (in word and deeds). (9:119)

Ibn Kathir, the renowned Quran scholar, explained the meaning of this verse. He said:

“Being truthful and adhering to truthfulness, means you will be among the people of the truth and be saved from calamity and that it will make a way out for you from your problems.”

Why is Honesty So Rare Nowadays? - About Islam

A true believer, one who is truly submitted to God, has many characteristics by which he can be identified. The most obvious of these noble characteristics are honesty of character and truthfulness of speech.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a perfect example of honesty. Even before his Prophethood, he had earned the titles of Al-Amin (the trustworthy one) and As-Sadiq (the truthful).

Al-Amin, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), once gathered all the people of Makkah and asked them:

“O people of Makkah!  If I say that an army is advancing on you from behind the mountains, will you believe me?”

All said in one voice:

“Yes, because we have never heard you telling a lie.”

All the people, without exception, swore to his truthfulness and honesty because he had lived an unblemished and extremely pious life among them for forty years.

Abu Sufyan described his honesty.  When Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) sent a letter to the Emperor of Byzantium inviting him to Islam, the Emperor, Heraclius, sent for the Makkan trader, Abu Sufyan. Even though he was, at that time, a dire enemy of Islam, he spoke the truth about Prophet Muhammad when he said:

“He neither tells lies nor betrays others, he bids people to worship God Alone and orders us to observe prayer, honesty and abstinence”

This honesty, an essential ingredient of the Muslim character, includes being truthful towards God by worshipping Him sincerely; being truthful to oneself, by adhering to God’s laws; and being truthful with others by speaking the truth and being honest in all dealings, such as buying, selling and marriage. There should be no deceiving, cheating, falsifying or withholding of information, thus a person should be the same on the inside as he is on the outside.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) warned us of the dangers inherent in dishonesty, and the benefits of living in an honest way.  He said:

“Truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to Paradise.  In addition, a man keeps on telling the truth until he becomes a truthful person.  Falsehood leads to wickedness and evil-doing, and wickedness leads to the (Hell) Fire, and a man may keep on telling lies till he is written before God, as a liar”. (Al-Bukhari)

A true Islamic society is based upon honesty and justice, and is intolerant of dishonesty in all its various forms. Honesty in all business transactions is emphasized and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) exhorts Muslims to be scrupulously honest in all their dealings.

Abdullah ibn Umar was once described as the “brother of the night.” He would stand at night performing prayer, weeping, seeking God’s forgiveness and reading Quran. One day, he was sitting among some close friends and he read the following verses:

Woe unto those who give short measure, those who, when they are to receive their due from people, demand that it be given in full but when they have to measure or weigh whatever they owe to others, give less than what is due.  Do they not know that they are bound to be raised from the dead (and called to account) on an awesome Day, the Day when all men shall stand before the Sustainer of all the worlds? (83:1-6)

Then, Abdullah wept until he was faint and kept repeating the words “the day when all men shall stand before the Sustainer of all the worlds.”

He was amongst the most honest and trustworthy men, but being reminded of the punishment for those who are deceitful filled him with fear.

Therefore, a Muslim seeking to please God and follow the path of righteousness should be aware of the dangers of deceit and dishonesty.  However, equally he should know that God is All-Merciful and All-Loving, willing to forgive even the gravest sins for those who strive for His sake.  Honesty is very important in the life of a believer.

“Honesty descended from the Heavens and settled in the roots of the hearts of men (faithful believers), and then the Quran was revealed and the people read the Quran, (and learnt it from it) and also learnt from the sayings and traditions.  Both the Quran and the traditions strengthened their honesty.” (Al-Bukhari)

This is from among the many sayings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), many of which forbade deceit and enjoined honesty among people. For those who wish to be among the truthful, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has left us with these words of guidance:

“Let he who believes in God and the Last Day either speak good or keep silent”. (Muslim)

About Aisha Stacey
Aisha Stacey is the mother of three adult children. She embraced Islam in 2002 and spent the next five years in Doha, Qatar studying Islam and working at the Fanar Cultural Centre. In 2006 Aisha returned to university for a second time and completed at Bachelor of Arts and a Graduate Certificate in Writing. Aisha is also a published writer in both internet and print media and in 2009 -10 she was the Queensland editor at a national Australian Islamic newspaper ~ Crescent Times.

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Prophet Muhammad’s Miraculous Night Journey: A Divine Gift


Have you ever been through a difficult time in life when you were surrounded with many hardships?

At that time, did you feel like all doors were closed and the whole world was against you?

That is how Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) must have felt when he returned from Ta’if to Makkah. Prior to that, he had lost his two main supporters – his wife and uncle. But he never lost hope in the mercy and help of Allah.

And one night, Allah opened the doors of Heaven for him. It was indeed an amazing and miraculous night.

First was the miraculous Night Journey from Makkah to Jerusalem. Then, the ascension of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to Heaven. And finally, his return to Makkah.

Some people claim that this  journey was all a dream that the Prophet (peace be upon him) had. But the truth is that these two journeys, the Israa and the Miraj, occurred in both body and spirit. They were one of the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) physical miracles.

Focus Issues for New Converts

There are many details of this miraculous journey which would be difficult to study all at once. For those interested, these details can be found in this special folder on the night journey.

As an introduction, what should be the main focus of new converts to Islam studying this miracle?

After outlining and describing the journey in this article, we will focus on Salah, the second pillar of Islam.

Al-Isra’: The Miraculous Night Journey to Jerusalem

As mentioned in authentic Hadiths, one night Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sleeping at the Ka’bah. Angel Gabriel descended with other angels. They first prepared him for the journey with open-heart surgery and washed his heart with Zamzam water. Then, Angel Gabriel accompanied him to Jerusalem.

At that time, it took a normal traveler around thirty days to reach Jerusalem from Makkah. The distance is more than 900 miles. But the speed of Al-Buraq, which the Prophet (peace be upon him) rode, got him there in no time. This animal could take a stride as far as it could see. With one leap, Al-Buraq could cover an incredibly vast distance.

In Jerusalem, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) tied Al-Buraq to a ring in the gate of Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa. Then, he (peace be upon him) said:

I was brought the Buraq; a tall, white beast bigger than a donkey, smaller than a mule. It could place his hooves at the farthest boundary of its gaze. I rode it until I arrived at Bayt Al-Maqdis. And I tied it to the ring where the prophets had tied it before (i.e., Buraq Wall or the Western Wall). I entered Masjid Al-Aqsa Sanctuary and prayed two rak’ahs there… (Muslim)

When he (peace be upon him) entered, he was greeted by a number of the earlier prophets, whom he led in prayer.

Jerusalem is a very important city for believers. Many of God’s prophets lived and preached there. For Muslims, it was the first qiblah (direction for prayer) before Allah later commanded that it be changed to Makkah.

Allah mentioned it in the Qur’an in the context of the night journey. Allah also mentioned the Furthest Mosque (Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa) by name. He (SWT) said:

Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing. (17:1)

While in Jerusalem, Angel Gabriel presented Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with two drinks to choose from. They were wine and milk. He (peace be upon him) chose milk, and the angel said:

Thanks be to God, who guided you to the fitrah; if you had taken the wine, your followers would have gone astray. (Al-Bukhari)

The Ascension (Al-Mi’raj)

Together, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Angel Gabriel continued their amazing journey. Their Ascension to Heaven (in Arabic, Al-Mi’raj) started from Jerusalem. Their first stop was the gate of the first sky.

When Angel Gabriel asked permission to enter, the angels recognized Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and welcomed him. In the first sky, he met Adam (peace be upon him), the father of mankind. Adam greeted him and called him his pure son and prophet.

The journey continued through the seven skies in a similar pattern at each gate. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) met a total of eight prophets, as detailed in Hadith. In the second sky, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) met Prophet Jesus and Prophet John (peace be upon them both).

And in the third sky, he met Prophet Joseph (peace be upon him). In the fourth sky, he met Prophet Idris (Enoch) (peace be upon him). And in the fifth sky, he met Prophet Aaron (peace be upon him).

The last two prophets he met in his ascension were Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) in the sixth sky and Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) in the seventh sky.

Beyond the Seventh Sky

Angel Gabriel continued the journey with Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) till they reached the Lote Tree (Sidrat Al-Muntaha). God mentions this briefly in the Qur’an:

Near Sidrat al-Muntaha (lote-tree of the utmost boundary). Near it is the Paradise of Abode. (53: 14-15)

From this place, Angel Gabriel could go no further. For him, it was the limit.

Sidrat Al-Muntaha is called the uttermost boundary. Everything that comes up from the earth or the heavens stops there, and everything that comes down stops there (Muslim). In addition, the knowledge of the angels stops at that point. No one has gone beyond it except Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). (An-Nawawi)

God gave Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) permission to ascend beyond that tree. We don’t know many details of what happened in that meeting. But we know that God commanded the Prophet (peace be upon him) and all Muslims to perform fifty daily prayers.

The Five Daily Prayers

On his return, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) met Prophet Moses (peace be upon him). He told him, from his experience as a prophet, that people would be unable to pray fifty prayers a day. He suggested that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) ask God to reduce the number.

After consulting Angel Gabriel, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) returned to make this request. And God agreed. But Prophet Moses (peace be upon him, still found them to be too many. After returning for a further reduction, the number of daily prayers was commanded to be five in number. But they would be fifty in reward, as God multiplies good deeds by ten.

Many new Muslim converts may at first think that praying five times each day it too demanding. But they are golden opportunities.

The best way to approach Salah is to see it as a time for the soul to find peace. The soul of believers ascends to Allah during prayer, when the heart is focused on prayer.

So, forget the worries of this world five times each day and seek closeness to your Lord. And ascend in faith and spirituality, as Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) ascended to receive this command.

It’s a golden opportunity, so don’t miss or neglect your Salah. It will help you recharge your faith batteries and find peace. -

Monday, 27 January 2025

Night Journey: Read the Story of Israa’ and Mi`raj to Your Kids


Editor’s note: In a narrative style, we present to parents the story of Isra and Mi`raj so that they can read it to their young kids during the occasion.

With a soft voice and in a spiritual atmosphere, gather your kids and read this article to them, or you can even record it in your voice so your kids can listen to it and imagine how magnificent the journey was.


Do you ever imagine traveling at night? Admiring the stars in the dark sky and flying past the moon?

Do you ever think of how amazing it would be to move from one place to another in just a few leaps?

I’m sure you do, because I did once too. I believed I could grow wings and fly from place to place without thinking twice.

Do you ever think of meeting the prophets? Or even Allah the Almighty? How would it feel if you could seek all this out in the blink of an eye?

Well, it happened to our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)—though he didn’t grow wings. But he had a miraculous journey where he was carried from one place to another, and later, he ascended the heavens.

That is how special our Prophet was: Allah chose him for so many special reasons and for him to experience the mercy of Allah in many ways, so he would continue to lead us down the straight path.

Israa and Miraj story

Well, the Isra and Mi`raj, the Night Journey and the Ascension, are two of those miraculous stories that we need to know about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Islam, especially when one special pillar of Islam was established then: our five daily prayers.

So, this is what had happened…

Beginning of the Journey

Our Prophet (PBUH) was sleeping at the Ka`aba one night, late in the month of Rajab. He loved sleeping there, as he could feel the serenity of this special place of worship.

That was until he was awoken by Archangel Angel Gabriel, who was nudging him by his foot.

The Prophet and the Angel had already known each other well enough, of course, and the Messenger of Allah instantly knew that there was a special message awaiting him, especially if the Angel visited him in the middle of the night!

Before he knew it, Prophet Muhammad set eyes on an animal. It looked much like a horse, but it had wings—yes a horse with wings!

A flying horse,” he must have thought. Imagine that, seeing such a creature near the Ka`aba. This was going to be a journey to remember.

Prophet Muhammad mounted Buraq—that was what the creature was called—and, accompanied by Angel Gabriel, they took a leap into the night sky—past the clouds, past the stars, into the darkness.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) looked down and realized how far away he was from the ground, but he never felt scared as he knew this was a special journey with special lessons.

Allah the Almighty had planned all of this for him and all the generations of Muslims to come— yes, all the way until us.

Reaching Al-Aqsa Mosque

When they descended back to earth, Prophet Muhammad realized that he had reached the Masjid in Jerusalem, and there waiting for him were all the other Prophets who had come to teach Allah’s religion way, way, way before Prophet Muhammad was appointed.

Night Journey: Read the Story of Israa' and Mi`raj to Your Kids - About Islam

They greeted each other, and the Prophet led them in prayer.

What a great congregation that must have been—all these messengers and prophets praying together to worship Allah and Allah alone.

Then Angel Gabriel approached Prophet Muhammad with two vessels—one filled with milk and one with wine—to see which he would choose.

The Prophet chose the milk and drank it; upon this, Angel Gabriel knew that the Prophet had passed a special test because he had chosen the drink that was good and pure for him and not the other one, which was forbidden on earth.

But the journey was not over yet. It was time to ascend to the Heavens.

Ascension to the Heavens

Angel Gabriel led Prophet Muhammad and Buraq once again, and they travelled upwards to the Heavens.

Night Journey: Read the Story of Israa' and Mi`raj to Your Kids - About Islam

I don’t know how much more amazing a journey can be, considering the different levels of the skies when travelling into the night!

It must have been a scene so picturesque that Prophet Muhammad may have committed it all to memory! After all, he was the only Prophet to have travelled this way…

As they moved into the Heavens, the Prophet met several of the other Prophets at each level and they exchanged greetings of peace.

Just like us, we are all part of the one brotherhood of Islam, and Islam only allows us to give greetings of peace from one Muslim to another.

Furthermore, they were no longer on earth but in this special place for believers only—only good people are entitled to go to heaven, as per Allah’s decisions.

Right at the top, Prophet Muhammad met Prophet Abraham, who was leaning on the Lute Tree.

This tree is said to be the end of worldly knowledge, and that reminds us how only Almighty Allah (knows everything there is to know about the universe.

The Gift of Prayers

Allah revealed to our Prophet that Muslim believers were to engage in 50 prayers every single day.

Prophet Muhammad agreed and began his descent through the Heavens.

As he was on his journey back down, he met with Prophet Moses, who was worried at the large number.

He told Prophet Muhammad that 50 daily prayers were way too many for us, and so Prophet Muhammad decided to negotiate for a reduction from Almighty Allah.

Almighty Allah reduced it by 5 prayers, making it 45 prayers, but Prophet Moses advised continuing to ask for less.

After a few trips, there were only 5 daily prayers, and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) told Prophet Musa that he was too shy to ask for anything less.

Hence, here we are today with our second pillar of Islam, the five daily prayers.

That is why we must try our level best to always fulfill them on time and with great accuracy, because Prophet Muhammad did some hard work in helping us establish such a small number of prayers, and of course Allah, in all of His glory, allowed us to do this.

We should be ever grateful for such a beautiful and simple religion!

Back on Earth

Angel Gabriel brought Prophet Muhammad back to Makkah, and they bypassed a caravan that was on the way there.

Night Journey: Read the Story of Israa' and Mi`raj to Your Kids - About Islam

In the morning, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) excitedly told the people of Makkah about his night journey and ascension—and everyone, except a few of his beloved friends, laughed at him.

He was mocked and bullied and called a mad man, but to their surprise, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) could answer their questions about Jerusalem, and the caravan that he passed arrived as he told them.

Still, the disbelievers refused to believe him and continued to deny this miraculous message. Of course, there were those who stood by him — and this is a good reminder for us too.

Lesson to Learn

Sometimes we will run into people who are awful to us because they think it is silly to be a Muslim or to pray five times a day.

Never forget that no one was bullied as much as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during the time he spread Islam.

God willing, Allah the Almighty will always provide us with friends—good friends—who will stand by us, take care of us, and always remind us that there’s nothing to be worried about when Allah is with us.

The Night Journey and the Ascension is a wonderful story to remember.

We are told of things that we can only dream of, but for Prophet Muhammad, they were very real.

He came back to earth to share his tale, so we will always continue to walk on the straight path and love Allah for all the reasons of His mercy that have been showered endlessly on His believers.


About Maria Zain
Maria Zain author who passed away in December 2014.

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Health Benefits of Saying “Alhamdulilah”


There are many examples in the Qur’an and Hadith about the virtues of a positive mental attitude and optimism in the face of adversity. However, do you know that saying the word “Alhamdulillah” can bring about patience and a positive outlook on life? Watch this video to see how this word does this! -

Saturday, 25 January 2025

The Wonders Prophet Muhammad Saw in Heavens


The journey of the Prophet and Messenger, Muhammad (peace be upon him) by night from the sacred mosque in Makkah to the farthest mosque in Jerusalem was a miracle granted to Him by God.

It is the first part of a night of wonder and amazement, culminating in Prophet Muhammad’s ascension through the heavens and into the presence of God.

Glorified be He Who took His slave on a journey by night from Al-Masjid-al-Haram to the Masjid-al-Aqsa, the neighborhood whereof We have blessed, in order that We might show him of Our signs. Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer. (Al-Isra’ 17: 1)

It was a physical journey and all the events about to be described took place in one night.

This series of articles will use the word masjid instead of its English translation, mosque. The reason for this is that the word masjid implies much more than the recognizable building where Muslims pray.

The word masjid comes from the root “sa-ja-da” meaning to prostrate, therefore a masjid is any place of prostration. The Prophet Muhammad told us:

This earth was made a masjid for me. (Al-Bukhari)

This gift from God was given only to the nation of Muhammad (peace be upon him).

A Muslim can pray in any place that is not impure (with a few exceptions). There are buildings specifically for prayer, but any place a Muslim prays is a masjid, in the literal sense – a place of prostration.

The act of prostration is the most honorable part of the prayer. When a Muslim’s forehead touches the ground, he or she is very close to God. Prayer establishes the connection between the believer and his Lord, and it was on this miraculous night that the five daily prayers were instated.

In the story to follow, you will learn some more about this man called Muhammad and come to understand a little about why Muslims love him. You will also discover why Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem is one of the three sacred Masjids in Islam. God refers to Jerusalem in the Quran as “the neighborhood we have blessed”.

The Dome of the Rock, part of the precinct of Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa, is the most recognizable symbol of Jerusalem and holds a special place in the hearts of every Muslim. On this journey we are about to undertake you will learn why.

So let us travel back through time, to 7th. century Arabia, to the city of Makkah and accompany Prophet Muhammad on his night journey and ascension.

The Journey Commences

Approximately ten years after Prophet Muhammad received the first revelations of the Quran, he suffered two grave losses.

One was the death of his uncle Abu Talib, the man who had supported and loved him from the time he was a young orphan, and then only two months later, Muhammad’s beloved wife, Khadijah, died. This year became known as the “Year of Sorrow”.

In the years leading up to these sad events, the new Muslims, especially Prophet Muhammad, were persecuted, ridiculed and abused.

The strength and loyalty of his uncle combined with the love and compassion shown to him by Khadijah helped him to remain strong and continue spreading the message in the face of grave adversity.  However, he now felt alone and extremely overwhelmed by his sadness.

When one has truly surrendered to God, the pains and sorrows of this life form part of a test of faith, and these tests are always followed by relief.

In chapter 94 of the Quran, God assures Prophet Muhammad that with every hardship comes relief, and He repeats it a second time with emphasis – with every hardship comes relief.

A Miracle Happened

After this extremely difficult year, Prophet Muhammad felt his relief in the form of a major blessing, the Night Journey and Ascension.

Even though it was dangerous and he risked attack by the Pagans of Makkah, Prophet Muhammad often spent the night in prayer at the sacred masjid in Makkah.

On this particular night, he was lying close to the Ka’bah (the black cube in the middle of the masjid) in a state between wakefulness and sleep.

An angel came and cut open his chest from the throat to below the stomach. The angel removed Prophet Muhammad’s heart and placed it in a golden bowl filled with faith, the heart was purified, filled and returned to its place. (Al-Bukhari)

This was not the first time that an angel had come down and extracted Muhammad’s heart. As a small child, Muhammad lived in the deserts of Arabia with a foster family according to custom, for the desert environment was known to be much healthier and more suitable for proper cultivation than the cities.

When he was four or five years old and playing in this wilderness with his young friends, the Angel Gabriel appeared, removed Muhammad’s heart and extracted from it a portion, referring to it as “a part of Satan”.

The Angel Gabriel washed the heart with the water of zamzam (the well of Makkah which sprung to quench the thirst of Ishmael) and returned it to its place.

The other children ran away screaming, thinking Muhammad was being murdered, but by the time they returned with help, he was alone, scared and white, but with only a small mark from the ordeal. (Muslim)

The Mission

Prophet Muhammad’s mission was to guide all of humanity to the worship of the one true God, thus every aspect of his life formed part of God’s plan to prepare him for this great responsibility.

As a child, the part of Satan was removed from his heart, and as an adult, about to undertake the building of the Muslim nation, his heart was purified and filled with pure faith. The next part of this miraculous night then commenced.

Prophet Muhammad was presented with a white animal he described as being smaller than a horse but larger than a donkey, it was known as al-Buraq. This animal, he said, could take a stride as far as it could see. With one leap, al Buraq could cover an incredibly vast distance. (Al-Bukhari)

The Angel Gabriel told Prophet Muhammad to mount the animal, and together they traveled more than 1200 km. to the furthest masjid – Masjid al-Aqsa.

Prophet Muhammad was on the back of al-Buraq while the animal’s stride reached towards the horizon, and the stars glittered in the night sky over the deserts of Arabia and beyond. He must have felt the wind on his face and been aware of his newly filled heart thumping in his chest.

Imagine what signs and wonders of God Prophet Muhammad must have seen on that miraculous journey by night!

This was a difficult time in the life of Prophet Muhammad, and this journey was a great compliment to him.

The deliverance of the message was entering a new phase, and the establishment of the Muslim nation was about to begin.

Prophet Muhammad was feeling overwhelmed and alone. The vast majority of Makkans had refused to heed his call or accept his message. Both his beloved uncle and cherished wife had died, and this gift of God offered him support and opened his eyes to the signs and wonders of the universe.

After traveling the enormous distance to Jerusalem on the back of al-Buraq, Prophet Muhammad reached the area known as Masjid al-Aqsa. He dismounted and tethered al-Buraq to a ring in the gate.

Another Miracle Occurs

Prophet Muhammad walked into the Masjid – the place of prostration – to be met by a group of the previous Prophets; he then had the great honor of leading them in prayer. God rewarded His Messenger and caused him to understand that the Prophets before him also went through difficult times preaching to their people.

They stood behind Prophet Muhammad and acknowledged him as their leader. This was another indication of his importance and excellence as well as the nature of his message.

Before the advent of Prophet Muhammad, all the Prophets delivered their message of submission to one God to their own people; Muhammad, however, had come for all of mankind. God refers to him as a mercy. God says in Quran:

He listens to what is best for you; he believes in God; has faith in the believers; and is a mercy to those of you who believe. (9: 61)

The message was international, and this communication distributed worldwide was Islam. The Prophets of God stood behind the newest and final Messenger of God and supported him when his need was greatest. Prophet Muhammad mentions in his sayings that all of the Prophets are brothers. (Al-Bukhari)

This congregation standing behind Prophet Muhammad was a sign of real and everlasting brotherhood.

The Significance of Al-Aqsa

The fact that this momentous occasion took place in Jerusalem is also of significance. This is the land of the Prophets of God; this is the land of Abraham, Isaac, Moses and Jesus. God was forging a link between His sacred House in Makkah and Masjid Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem.

God was also linking the so-called cradle of religion, the holy Land around Jerusalem, with the land of Arabia, the birthplace of the religion designed by the Creator, for all of humanity – Islam.

God established Al-Aqsa as one of the three Holy Masjids in Islam. The Holy Masjid in Makkah, the Prophet Muhammad’s Masjid, yet to be established in Madinah, and this Masjid in this blessed neighborhood of Jerusalem. It is only to these three Masjids to which Muslims can travel for the purpose of worship.

One prayer in Masjid Al-Aqsa is worth 250 prayers elsewhere, excluding the Prophet’s Masjid where one prayer is the equivalent of 1,000 prayers and the Holy Masjid in Makkah where one prayer contains the reward of 100,000 prayers. God emphasized the significance and sacredness of Masjid Al-Aqsa, and for this reason it plays an important role in a Muslim’s life. Therefore it is guarded and protected zealously.

Al-Aqsa was the first qiblah (the direction in which a Muslim turns to pray) in Islam, but this direction was later changed to the Holy Masjid in Makkah. Establishing the exact date for this change is difficult, but from the evidence, we can discover approximately when this occurred because the mission of Prophet Muhammad is divided into two distinct periods.

The Makkan period, defined by calling the people to the religion of Islam, and the Madinan period, defined by the establishment of the Muslim state. Prophet Muhammad and the majority of his followers migrated to the city of Madinah in the 14th. year of Prophethood.

The Night Journey and Ascension took place late in the Makkan period, while the qiblah changed to Makkah around 15 months after the Prophet’s migration to Madinah. From this, we can infer that the Muslims faced Al-Aqsa when praying for approximately three years before God changed the direction to Makkah.

This by no means diminished the significance of Jerusalem or Masjid Al-Aqsa, it merely represented another step in the establishment of the message for all of humanity.  The Holy Masjid in Makkah was fixed as the central point in Islam.

The Journey and Miracle Continues

While still in the sacred precincts of Masjid Al-Aqsa, the Angel Gabriel presented Prophet Muhammad with two cups. One was filled with milk, the other with wine, and both were offered to the Prophet. Prophet Muhammad chose and drank the milk. Angel Gabriel then said to him:

Thanks be to God, who guided you to the fitrah; if you had taken the wine, your followers would have gone astray. (Al-Bukhari)

It is difficult to translate the Arabic word fitrah into English; it denotes the natural and pure state in which one is born, an innate feeling that guides one to do the “right” thing. Prophet Muhammad instinctively chose right over wrong, good over evil, and the Straight Path rather than the crooked path to Hell.

It was from the Holy city of Jerusalem, in the sacred precincts of Masjid Al-Aqsa that Prophet Muhammad commenced the next stage of his miraculous Night Journey.

Prophet Muhammad ascended to the lowest heaven from a rock. This rock can be found inside the Dome of the Rock, the most famous symbol of Jerusalem. It should not be confused with the actual masjid building, which is on the other side of the Al-Aqsa compound. The entire precinct is the masjid, but many separate buildings exist there.

It is important to remember that although the Dome of the Rock is inside the Masjid compound, it is not Masjid Al-Aqsa and it is not the place of prostration where Prophet Muhammad led the previous Prophets in prayer. From the rock, now covered by the familiar golden dome, Prophet Muhammad ascended to the lowest heaven in the company of Angel Gabriel.

The Night Journey and the Ascension to heavens were a great blessing bestowed upon Muhammad, the Prophet of God.

It was a journey beginning at the Holy Masjid in Makkah, then moving overland to Masjid Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem and finally continuing up through the seven heavens into the presence of God, the Almighty.

A Journey to Heavens

As we travel up through the seven heavens with Prophet Muhammad, it is important to remember that the places he visits are not part of Paradise.

In the English language, we generally use the word heaven to mean the spiritual plane of eternal happiness, the reward for a righteous life and the opposite of Hell, the place of eternal punishment.

However, this was not always the case; the word heaven comes from the old English word heofon, used to denote the sky, which is the area above the earth where the celestial bodies are. Eventually, heaven lost its original meaning and came to imply Paradise.

In Arabic, however, there have always been two separate words used, sama’ and jannah. The word sama’ is used for the skies above us, and they are part of the temporary world which will be destroyed on the Day of Judgment. The word jannah, however, denotes Paradise, the land of eternal bliss, the permanent home of the righteous believers, and the opposite of Hell.

Then He completed and finished from their creation as seven heavens in two Days and He made in each heaven its affair. And We adorned the nearest heaven with light sources to be an adornment, as well as to guard. Such is the Decree of Him the All-Mighty, the All-Knower. (41: 12)

Their Lord gives them glad tidings of a Mercy from Him, and that He is pleased, and of Gardens (jannah) for them wherein are everlasting delights.  They will dwell therein forever.  Verily, with God is a great reward. (9: 21-22)

The Wonders of God

Prophet Muhammad ascended into the heavens from the rock now housed in the familiar golden dome that has become the symbol for Jerusalem.

This is a journey that no other human had ever made or has made since. It demonstrates God’s ability to bring the seemingly impossible into being.

Here, the concepts of time and space as we know them do not apply, and it is beyond our human capabilities to understand the true omnipotence of God.

In his sayings and traditions, Prophet Muhammad described the size of the heavens; the first heaven, as compared to the second, is similar to a small ring in the desert, and he continued this narrative until he described the sixth heaven as being the size of a ring in the desert compared to the seventh heaven.

The magnitude of this is unimaginable. Our earth, and what we call the universe, is contained within the first heaven. Even with the scientific knowledge of the 21st century, we have no idea how big this is, how far the universe extends, or what wonders it contains.

Prophet Muhammad traveled with the Angel Gabriel up into the heights of the heavens. Together they came to the gate of the first heaven, where Angel Gabriel sought permission to enter. The gatekeepers asked, “Who is it?”  to which Gabriel replied, “It is I, Gabriel”.

The gatekeepers then asked who was accompanying him; when they were told it was Muhammad, they asked if he had been given his mission to guide all of mankind to the worship of one God. Angel Gabriel answered in the affirmative, so the angels welcomed Prophet Muhammad, called his arrival a pleasure, and opened the gate.

Greeting the Prophets


Prophet Muhammad tells us that he saw his father Adam, the father of all of mankind. He greeted him with the greeting of all Muslims, – Assalamu alaikum (may peace be upon you). Adam returned the greeting and expressed his faith in Muhammad’s prophethood. He called him his pure son, the pure Prophet.

Imagine the pleasure that this meeting must have given to both men. After thousands of years, Adam was able to see his son Muhammad, the greatest of his descendants. Muhammad was able to look into the eyes of the father of mankind.

Meeting Jesus

The wonders however were only just beginning. Angel Gabriel and Prophet Muhammad then ascended to the second heaven.

At the gate, Angel Gabriel again sought permission to enter. When the gatekeepers learned Prophet Muhammad had been given his mission and was trying to enter, they welcomed him and opened the gate. There Prophet Muhammad saw the two cousins, Prophet John (known in Christian traditions as the Baptist) and the Messenger of God, Prophet Jesus;  Prophet Muhammad exchanged greetings with them.


Prophet Muhammad and Angel Gabriel ascended once more to the gates of the third heaven.  At each gate, the same exchange took place. When the gatekeepers had established that it was Angel Gabriel in the company of Prophet Muhammad, who had indeed been given his mission, they gave permission to enter. Here, in the third heaven, Prophet Muhammad met Joseph and described him as an embodiment of half of all beauty.


As Prophet Muhammad met the Prophets in each heaven, he exchanged greetings with them, and this was always Assalamu alaikum, the greeting of peace used by all those in submission to the one true God. In the fourth heaven, Prophet Muhammad met Prophet Idris, whom God described in Quran (19: 57) as being elevated to a very high level.


In the fifth heaven, he met Prophet Aaron, the brother of Moses. At each meeting, the Prophets expressed their faith in Muhammad’s prophethood.


In the sixth heaven, Prophet Muhammad met Moses.

Whenever Prophet Moses is mentioned in the Quran or in the narrations of Prophet Muhammad, we know that something important is about to be described. After the two Prophets had exchanged greetings and Prophet Moses had expressed his faith in Muhammad’s prophethood, Moses started to weep. When he was asked why, he replied: “A young man has come after me, and more of his followers will enter paradise than my followers”.

Until the advent of Islam, Prophet Moses had had the largest following of any Prophet. Moses cried, and from this, we can understand that there was a type of rivalry between the Prophets; but it was not a competition filled with jealousy or envy. Rather, it was filled with compassion. As we move further into the journey, we will see the love and compassion Prophet Moses had for Muhammad and his followers.

Prophet Muhammad and Angel Gabriel then ascended into the seventh heaven.

Source: Islam Religion.

About Aisha Stacey
Aisha Stacey is the mother of three adult children. She embraced Islam in 2002 and spent the next five years in Doha, Qatar studying Islam and working at the Fanar Cultural Centre. In 2006 Aisha returned to university for a second time and completed at Bachelor of Arts and a Graduate Certificate in Writing. Aisha is also a published writer in both internet and print media and in 2009 -10 she was the Queensland editor at a national Australian Islamic newspaper ~ Crescent Times.