

Friday, 31 January 2020


The Quran contains many prophecies that have been fulfilled, but in this discussion, we will limit ourselves to only five.[1]  The first two prophecies are noteworthy: unlike any other world scripture, the Quran prophesizes its own preservation under divine care, and we will demonstrate how it actually occurred.

The Protection of the Quran from Corruption

The Quran makes a claim no other religious text makes, that God Himself will keep its text safe from alteration.  God says:
"Behold, it is We Ourselves who have gradually revealed this reminder, and, behold, it is We who shall truly guard it [from all corruption]." (Quran 15:9)

The Ease of Memorizing the Quran

God has made the Quran easy to memorize:
"And in truth We have made the Quran easy to remember; who, then, is willing to take it to heart?" (Quran 54:17)
The ease with which Quran is memorized is inimitable.  There is not a single scripture or religious text in the world that is as easy to memorize; even non-Arabs and children commit it to memory easily.  The entire Quran is memorized by almost every Islamic scholar and hundreds of thousands of ordinary Muslims, generation after generation.  Almost every Muslim has some portion of the Quran memorized to read in his prayers.

The Twofold Prophecy

Before the rise of Islam, the Romans and the Persians were two competing superpowers.  Romans were led by Heraclius (610–641 CE), a Christian Emperor, whereas the Persians were Zoroastrians led by Khosrow Parviz (reigned 590–628 CE), under whom the empire achieved its greatest expansion.
In 614, the Persians conquered Syria and Palestine, taking Jerusalem, destroying the Holy Sepulcher and the ‘True Cross’ carried to Ctesiphon.  Then, in 619, they occupied Egypt and Libya.  Heraclius met them at Thracian Heraclea (617 or 619), but they sought to capture him, and he rode madly back to Constantinople, hotly pursued.[2]
The Muslims were grieved by the Roman defeat as they felt spiritually closer to Christian Rome than Zoroastrian Persia, but the Meccans were naturally buoyed up by the victory of pagan Persia.  To Meccans, the Roman humiliation was a sinister omen of the defeat of the Muslims at pagan hands.  At the time God’s prophecy comforted the faithful:
"The Romans have been defeated - in a land close by; but they, (even) after (this) defeat of theirs, will soon be victorious- within ten years.  With God is the Decision, in the past and in the future: on that Day shall the believers rejoice with the help of God.  He helps whom He will, and He is the Mighty, the Most-Merciful." (Quran 30:2-4)
The Quran made a prophecy of two victories:
(i)   The future Roman victory within ten years over Persians, something unimaginable at the time
(ii)  The joy of the faithful on a victory over the pagans
Both of these prophecies actually occured.
In 622, Heraclius left Constantinople as prayers rose from its many sanctuaries for victory over the Persian Zoroastrians and the reconquest of Jerusalem.  He devoted the next two years to campaigns in Armenia.  In 627, he met the Persians near Nineveh.  There, he killed three Persian generals in single combat, killed the Persian commander, and scattered the Persian host.  A month later, Heraclius entered Dastagird with its stupendous treasure.  Khosrow was overthrown by his son, who made peace with Heraclius.  Returning to Constantinople in triumph, Heraclius was hailed as a hero.[3]
Also, in the year 624 AH, Muslims defeated the Meccans in the first and decisive Battle at Badr.
In the words of an Indian scholar:
"…a single line of prophecy was related to four nations and the fate of two great empires.  All this proves the Holy Quran to be the Book of God."[4]

The Prophecy of Pagan Defeat

The Quran predicted the defeat of unbelievers in Mecca while Prophet Muhammad and his followers were still being persecuted by them:
"Or do they (the Meccan disbelievers) say: ‘We are a great multitude, and we shall be victorious?’  Their multitude will be defeated, , and they shall turn their backs [in flight]!" (Quran 54:45)
The prophecy was revealed in Mecca, but was fulfilled at the Battle of Badr, two years after the Prophet’s migration to the city of Medina.

The Fate of Specific Individuals

Waleed ibn Mugheera was a staunch enemy who openly ridiculed the Quran:
"Then said he: "This is nothing but magic, derived from of old; this is nothing but the word of a mortal!" (Quran 74:24-25)
The Quran prophesized he will never accept Islam:
"Soon will I cast him into Hell-Fire!  And what will explain to thee what Hell-Fire is?  It leaves naught nor does it spare aught." (Quran 74:26-28)
Waleed died in a state of disbelief as prophesized by the Quran.
Also, concerning Abu Lahab, a fiery opponent of Islam, the Quran foretold he will die opposing the religion of God:
"May the hands of Abu Lahab perish, and [indeed] he has perished.  His wealth and gains will not profit him.  He will be plunged in flaming Fire." (Quran 111:1-3)
Specifically, three prophecies were made about Abu Lahab:
(i)   The conspiracies of Abu Lahab against the Prophet would not succeed.
(ii)  His wealth and children would not benefit him.
(iii) He would die opposing God’s religion and enter the Fire.
Abu Lahab also died in a state of disbelief as prophesized by the Quran.  Had Waleed or Abu Lahab accepted Islam even outwardly, they would have disproved its prophecies and thus its heavenly source!
In addition, Abu Lahab had four sons, two of whom died at a young age during his lifetime.  The other two sons and a daughter embraced Islam and frustrated his hopes!  Finally, he died of a plague; people would not touch his body out of fear of contamination and dumped mud and stones on him where he died to make it his grave.
A key foundation to believing that a scripture is actually a revelation of God is internal truth, whether it be in regards to occurrences in the past, to come in the future, or in contemporary ages.  As one can see, there are many prophecies mentioned in that which is to come, some of which were fulfilled in the Prophet’s lifetime, or have been fulfilled since his death, while others are yet to appear. -
[1]For more Quranic prophecies please see ‘Mercy For the Worlds,’ by Qazi Suliman Mansoorpuri, vol.3, p. 248 - 313.
[2]"Heraclius."  Encyclopædia Britannica from Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service.
[3]"Heraclius."  Encyclopædia Britannica from Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service.
[4]‘Mercy For the Worlds,’ by Qazi Suliman Mansoorpuri, vol.3, p. 312.

Tuesday, 28 January 2020


This universal brotherhood preached by Islam was championed by the Prophet’s Companions after him.  When the Companion, Ubada ibn as-Samit, led a delegation to Muqawqis, the Christian patriarch of Alexandria, the latter exclaimed: ‘Get this black man away from me and bring in his stead another to talk to me! ...  How can you be content that a black man should be the foremost among you?  Is it not more fitting that he be below you?’  ‘Indeed no!’, Ubada’s comrades replied, ‘Though he is black as you see, he is still the foremost among us in position, intelligence and wisdom; for black is not despised among us.’
“Truly, the Believers are but brothers...” (Quran 49:10)
It is the Hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca, which remains the ultimate symbol of the oneness and brotherhood of man.  Here, rich and poor from all nations stand and bow in unison before God in what is the largest gathering of humanity; testifying to the Prophet’s words when he said:
“There is truly no excellence for an Arab over a non-Arab; or for a non-Arab over an Arab; or for a white man over a black man; or for a black man over a white man; except through piety.” (Ahmad)
And this confirms the Quran, which says:
“O humanity!  We have created you from a single male and female and have made you into nations and tribes that you may know one another (not that you have pride over one another).  Verily, the most honorable of you in God’s Sight is the one most pious…” (Quran 49:13)
As for nationalism, with its factionalizing of Muslims along ethnic and tribal lines, it is considered an evil innovation.
“If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your tribe, the wealth you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, and the dwellings in which you delight are dearer to you than God and His Messenger and striving hard in His Cause, then wait until God brings about His Decision.  And God guides not a rebellious people.” (Quran 9:24)
The Prophet said:
“... whoever fights under the banner of the blind, becoming angry for nationalism, calling to nationalism, or assisting nationalism, and dies: then he dies a death of jahiliyya (i.e. pre-Islamic ignorance and disbelief).” (Saheeh Muslim)
Rather, the Quran says:
“While those who disbelieved placed in their hearts pride and haughtiness - the pride and haughtiness of jahiliyya, God sent down His tranquility upon His Messenger and upon the Believers…” (Quran 48:26)
In fact, the Muslims in and of themselves constitute a single body and supra-nation, as the Prophet explained:
“The parable of the Believers in their mutual love and mercy is like that of a living body: if one part feels pain, the whole body suffers in sleeplessness and fever.” (Saheeh Muslim)
The Quran confirms this unity:
“Thus, We have made you (Believers into) a (single) justly-balanced community...” (Quran 2:143)
Perhaps one of the greatest barriers to the acceptance of Islam by many Westerners is the fallacy that it is primarily a religion for Orientals or dark-skinned people.  No doubt, the racial injustices against many blacks, be they Abyssinian slaves of pre-Islamic Arabia, or 20th century Afro-Americans, has prompted many to embrace Islam.  But this is beside the point.  The Prophet Muhammad was himself of whitish complexion, described by his Companions as being ‘white and ruddy’ - a description many tens of millions of believing Arabs, Berbers and Persians share.  Even blue-eyed blondes are not so rare amongst Near Easterners.  Furthermore, Europe has more indigenous white Muslims than it has ‘colored’ immigrants.  The Bosnians, for example, whose numbers were decimated at the end of the 20th century but who, due to their heroism and tradition of tolerance, have contributed most to Balkan peace and stability.  Albanians too, descended from Europe’s ancient Illyrians, are also largely Muslim.  In fact, one of the 20th century’s leading Muslim scholars, Imam Muhammad Nasir-ud-Deen al-Albani, was, as his title suggests, Albanian.
“Truly, We created humans in the best stature.” (Quran 5:4)
Whites have been called ‘caucasian’ ever since anthropologists declared the Caucasus Mountains, home to Europe’s highest peaks, to be the ‘Cradle of the White Race.’  Today, the natives of these mountains are Muslims.  Amongst many a lesser-known tribe of fierce mountaineers and fair maidens are the Circassians famed for their bravery and beauty and who, as Mamluke rulers of Syria and Egypt, helped defend the civilized world and safeguard its holy lands from the ravages of the Mongol hordes.  Then there is the brutalized Chechen, arguably the most unwieldy of all God’s creatures, whose tenacity and resistance has helped them avoid the fate of the Circassians.  Meanwhile, over 1,000,000 American and North European Caucasian whites - Anglo-Saxons, Franks, Germans, Scandinavians and Celts included - now profess Islam.  In fact, Islam peacefully entered parts of Europe before Christianity, when: ‘In times long ago, when the Russian Slav had not yet started to build Christian churches on the Oka nor conquered these places in the name of European civilization, the Bulgar was already listening to the Quran on the banks of the Volga and the Kama.’ (Solov’ev, 1965) [On 16 May 922, Islam became the official state religion of the Volga Bulgars, with whom today’s Bulgarians share a common ancestry.]
Every faith besides Islam calls for the worship of creation in some way, shape or form.  Moreover, race and color play a central and divisive role in almost all non-Islamic belief systems.  A Christian’s deification of Jesus and the saints or a Buddhist’s deification of Buddha and the Dalai Lamas has people of a particular race and color being worshipped in derogation of God.  In Judaism, salvation is withheld from the non-Jew Gentile.  Hinduism’s caste system likewise checks the spiritual, socio-political and economic aspirations of the ‘unclean’ lower castes.  Islam, however, seeks to unite and make one all the creatures of the world upon the Unity and Oneness of their Creator.  Thus, Islam alone liberates all peoples, races and colors in the worship of God alone.
“And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the (wonderful) differences of your languages and colors.  Verily, in that are indeed signs for people of sound knowledge.” (Quran 30:22)

Saturday, 25 January 2020


Salman the Persian

Like most of his countrymen, Salman was raised a devout Zoroastrian.  However, after an encounter with some Christians at worship, he accepted Christianity as ‘something better’.  Salman then traveled extensively in search of knowledge, from the service of one learned monk to another, the last of whom said: ‘O son!  I do not know of anyone who is on the same (creed) as we are.  However, the time of the emergence of a Prophet is at hand.  This Prophet is upon the religion of Abraham.’  The monk then proceeded to describe this Prophet, his character and where he would appear.  Salman migrated to Arabia, the land of the prophecy, and when he heard about and met Muhammad, he immediately recognized him from his teacher’s descriptions and embraced Islam.  Salman became renowned for his knowledge and was the first person to translate the Quran into another language, Persian.  Once, whilst the Prophet was amongst his Companions, the following was revealed to him:
“It is He (God) Who had sent among the unlettered (the Arabs) a Messenger (Muhammad) from among themselves... and (also to) others (i.e. non­-Arabs) among them who have not yet joined them (as Muslims)...” (Quran 62:2-3)
God’s Messenger then placed his hand on Salman and said:
“Even if the Faith were near (the stars of) Pleiades, a man from amongst these (Persians) would surely attain it.” (Saheeh Muslim)

Suhayb the Roman

Suhayb was born into privilege in the luxurious house of his father, who was a client governor for the Persian emperor.  While he was still a child, Suhayb was captured by Byzantine raiders and sold into slavery in Constantinople.
Suhayb eventually escaped from bondage and fled to Mecca, a popular place of asylum, where he soon became a prosperous merchant nick-named ‘ar-Rumi’, the Roman, due to his Byzantine tongue and upbringing.  When Suhayb heard Muhammad preach, he was at once convinced of the truth of his message and embraced Islam.  Like all the early Muslims, Suhayb was persecuted by the pagans of Mecca.  So, he traded all his wealth in exchange for safe passage to join the Prophet at Medina, whereupon the Prophet, delighted to see Suhayb, greeted him thrice: ‘Your trade has been fruitful, O [Suhayb]!  Your trade has been fruitful!’  God had informed the Prophet of Suhayb’s exploits before their reunion with this revelation:
“And there is a type of man who ransoms himself to earn the pleasure of God.  And God is full of kindness to His servants.” (Quran 2:207)
The Prophet loved Suhayb a great deal and described him as having preceded the Romans to Islam.  Suhayb’s piety and standing among the early Muslims was so high that when Caliph Umar was on his deathbed, he selected Suhayb to lead them until they could agree upon a successor.

Abdullah the Hebrew

The Jews were another nation that the pre-Islamic Arabs held in contempt.  Many Jews and Christians had been expecting a new Prophet to appear in Arabia during the time of the Prophet Muhammad.  Jews from the Levite tribe in particular had settled in large numbers in and around the city of Medina.  However, when the much­ anticipated Prophet came, not as a Hebrew son of Israel, but as the Arab descendant of Ishmael, the Jews rejected him.  Except, that is, for a few like Hussein ibn Salam.  Hussein was the most learned rabbi and leader of the Medinan Jews but was denounced and vilified by them when he embraced Islam.  The Prophet re-named Husayn, ‘Abdullah’, meaning ‘Servant of God’, and gave him the glad tidings that he was destined for Paradise.  Abdullah addressed his tribesmen saying:
‘O assembly of Jews!  Be conscious of God and accept what Muhammad has brought.  By God!  You certainly know that he is God’s Messenger and you can find prophecies about him and mention of his name and characteristics in your Torah.  I for my part declare that he is the Messenger of God.  I have faith in him and believe that he is true.  I (for one) recognize him.’  God revealed the following about Abdullah:
“And a witness from the Children of Israel testified to this (Quran being from God) like (the Torah).  So he believed while (most of) you (Jews) are too proud (to believe).” (Quran 46:10)
Thus, in the ranks of the Prophet Muhammad’s Companions could be found Africans, Persians, Romans and Israelites; representatives of every known continent.  As the Prophet said:
“Indeed, my friends and allies are not the tribe of so and so.  Rather, my friends and allies are the pious, wherever they may be.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim) -

Wednesday, 22 January 2020


“God said: ‘What prevented you (O Satan) that you did not prostrate when I commanded you?’  Iblees (the Satan) replied: ‘I am better than him (Adam).  You created me from fire, and him You created from clay.” (Quran 7:12)
So begins the history of racism.  Satan thought himself superior to Adam on account of his origins.  Since that day, Satan has misled many of Adam’s descendants into also believing themselves superior to others, causing them to persecute and exploit their fellow man.  Quite often, religion has been used to justify racism.  Judaism, for example, despite its Middle­-Eastern origins, is readily passed off as a Western religion; but the entry of Jews into all levels of Western society actually betrays Judaism’s elitist reality.  A pious reading of the bible verse:
“There is no God in all the world but in Israel.” (2 Kings 5:15)
…would be to suggest that in those days God, or God, was not worshipped except by Israelites.  However, Judaism today remains centered around its boast of ‘chosen’ racial superiority.
“Say: ‘O Jews!  If you pretend that you are the beloved slaves of God to the exclusion of the rest of humanity, then long for death if you are really truthful.’” (Quran 62:6)
Conversely, while most Christians are overwhelmingly non­-Jew, Jesus, as the last of the Israelite Prophets, was sent to none but the Jews.[1]
“And (remember) when Jesus, son of Mary, said:    ‘O Children of Israel!  I am the Messenger of God sent unto you, confirming the Torah before me and bearing glad tidings of a Messenger after me whose name shall be Ahmad[2]...’” (Quran 61:6)
And likewise every Prophet was sent exclusively to his own people,[3]  every Prophet, that is, except Muhammad.
“Say (O Muhammad): ‘O People!  I am the Messenger of God sent to you all…’” (Quran 7:158)
As Muhammad was God’s final Prophet and Messenger, his mission was a universal one, intended for not only his own nation, the Arabs, but all the peoples of the world.  The Prophet said:
“Every other Prophet was sent to his nation exclusively, while I have been sent to all of humanity.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
“And We have not sent you (O Muhammad) except as a bearer of glad tidings and a Warner to all mankind, but most of people know not.” (Quran 34:28)

Bilal the Abyssinian

One of the first to accept Islam was an Abyssinian slave named Bilal.  Traditionally, black Africans were a lowly people in the sight of Arabs who thought them to be of little use beyond entertainment and slavery.  When Bilal embraced Islam, his pagan master had him brutally tortured in the scorching desert heat until Abu Bakr, the Prophet’s closest friend, rescued him by buying his freedom.
The Prophet appointed Bilal to call the believers to prayer.  The athan heard from minarets in every corner of the world since, echoes the exact same words recited by Bilal.  Thus, a onetime lowly slave won a unique honor as Islam’s first muezzin.
“And indeed We have honored the Children of Adam...” (Quran 17:70)
Western romantics hail ancient Greece as being the birthplace of democracy.[4]  The reality was that, as slaves and women, the vast majority of Athenians were denied the right to elect their rulers.  Yet, Islam ordained that a slave could himself be ruler!  The Prophet ordered:
“Obey your ruler even if he be an Abyssinian slave.” (Ahmad)
[1]The bible agrees.  Jesus is reported to have said: ‘I have not been sent except to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.’ (Matthew 15:24).  Hence, every one of his famous twelve disciples was an Israelite Jew.  The one biblical passage where Jesus tells them to: ‘Go and preach unto all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.’ (Matthew 28:19), commonly quoted to prove the Gentile mission as well as the Trinity, is not found in any pre-16th century manuscript and thus considered ‘a pious fraud.’
[2]One of the names of Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him.
[3]And We sent to every nation a Messenger (saying): ‘Worship God (alone) and shun false deities.’ (Quran 16:36)
[4]Democracy is a Middle-Eastern invention, first seen in the civilization of Ebla in 3rd millennium BC, and then in Phoenicia and Mesopotamia during 11th century BC.  It did not appear in Athens unti15th century BC.

Sunday, 19 January 2020


When someone converts to Islam, God forgives all of his previous sins and evil deeds.  A man called Amr came to the Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, and said, “Give me your right hand so that I may give you my pledge of loyalty.”  The Prophet stretched out his right hand.  Amr withdrew his hand.  The Prophet said: “What has happened to you, O Amr?”  He replied, “I intend to lay down a condition.”  The Prophet asked: “What condition do you intend to put forward?”  Amr said, “That God forgive my sins.”  The Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, said: “Didn’t you know that converting to Islam erases all previous sins?”[1]
After converting to Islam, the person will be rewarded for his or her good and bad deeds according to the following saying of the Prophet Muhammad: “Your Lord, Who is blessed and exalted, is most merciful.  If someone intends to do a good deed but does not do it, a good deed will be recorded for him.  And if he does do it, (a reward of) ten to seven hundred or many more times (the reward of the good deed), will be recorded for him.  And if someone intends to do a bad deed but does not do it, a good deed will be recorded for him.  And if he does do it, a bad deed will be recorded against him or God will wipe it out.”[2] -
[1]Narrated in Saheeh Muslim, #121, and Mosnad Ahmad, #17357.
[2]Narrated in Mosnad Ahmad, #2515, and Saheeh Muslim, #131.

Thursday, 16 January 2020


Happiness is the only goal on earth that all people without exception are seeking to attain.  Believers and unbelievers alike seek to be happy, but each party is using different methods.
However, only believers can achieve genuine happiness.  All forms of happiness attained without a firm belief in God, the Almighty, are mere illusions.
The following are tips for the attainment of happiness:
1.    Know that if you do not live within the scope of today, your thoughts will be scattered, your affairs will become confused, and your anxiety will increase.  These realities are explained in the following hadith:
“When you are in the evening, do not expect to see the morning, and when you are in the morning, do not expect to see the evening.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
2.    Forget the past and all that it contained, focus on the present.
3.    Do not completely preoccupy yourself with the future and then discard the present. Be balanced in life,  prepare yourself adequately for all situations.
4.    Do not be shaken by criticism; instead, be firm.  Be sure that in proportion to your worth, the level of people's criticism rises.  Also, make good use of criticism in discovering your shortcomings and faults, and let it drive you toward self-improvement.
5.    Have complete faith in God and perform good deeds; these are the ingredients that makeup a good and happy life.
6.    If you desire peace, tranquility, and comfort, you can find it all in the remembrance of God.
7.    You should know with certainty that everything that happens, occurs in accordance with the divine decree.
8.    Do not expect gratitude from anyone.
9.    Train yourself to be prepared for the worst possibility.
10.  Perhaps what has happened is in your best interest, even though you may not comprehend how that can be so.
11.  Everything that is decreed for the believer is the best for him.
12.  Enumerate the blessings of God and be thankful for them.
13.  Remember that you are better off than many others.
14.  Relief comes from one hour to the next.  Indeed, with each difficulty there is relief.
15.  In both times of hardship and ease, one should turn to supplication and prayer, either patiently contented or thankful.
16.  Calamities should strengthen your heart and reshape your outlook in a positive way.
17.  Do not let trivialities be the cause of your destruction.
18.  Always remember that your God is Oft-Forgiving.
19.  Assume an easy-going attitude and avoid anger.
20.  Life is bread, water, and shade; so do not be perturbed by a lack of any other material thing.
“And in the heaven is your providence and that which you are promised.” (Quran 51:22)
21.  A daunting evil that seemingly will happen usually never occurs.
22.  Look at those who have more afflictions and be grateful that you have less.
23.  Bear in mind the fact that God loves those who endure trials with steadfastness, so seek to be one of them.
24.  Constantly repeat those supplications that the Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, taught us to say during times of hardship.
25.  Work hard at something that is productive, and cast off idleness.
26.  Do not spread rumors and do not listen to them.  If you hear a rumor inadvertently, do not believe it.
27.  Know that your malice and your striving to seek revenge are much more harmful to your health than they are to your antagonist.
28.  The hardships that befall you atone for your sins, if you endure with patience. -

Monday, 13 January 2020


“Say: ‘Praise be to God.  He will show you His Signs and you will recognize them.  Your Lord is not heedless of anything you do.’” (Quran 27:93)
“This is a communication to be transmitted to mankind so that they can be warned by it and so that they will know that He is One God and so that people of intelligence will pay heed.” (Quran 14:52)
In many other verses, God emphasizes that one of the most crucial purposes of the Quran’s revelation is to invite people to ponder.
In the Quran, God invites people to reject blindly accepting the beliefs and values society imposes on them and to ponder by pushing aside all the prejudices, taboos and constraints on their minds.
Man must think on how he came into being, what the purpose of his life is, why he will die and what awaits him after death.  He must question how he, himself, and the whole universe came into existence and how they continue to exist.  While doing this, he must relieve himself of all constraints and prejudices.
By thinking while isolating his conscience from all social, ideological and psychological obligations, the person should eventually perceive that the entire universe, including himself, is created by a superior power.  Even when he examines his own body or any other thing in nature, he will see an impressive harmony, plan and wisdom at work within its design.
Concerning this point again, the Quran guides man.  In the Quran, God guides us as to what we should reflect on and investigate.  With the methods of reflection given in the Quran, he who has faith in God will better perceive God’s perfection, eternal wisdom, knowledge and power in His creation.  When a believing person starts to think in the way shown in the Quran, he soon realizes that the whole universe is a sign of God’s power and art, and that, “nature is a work of art, not the artist itself”.  Every work of art exhibits the exceptional skills of the one who has made it and conveys his messages.
In the Quran, people are summoned to contemplate numerous events and objects that clearly testify to the existence and uniqueness of God and His attributes.  In the Quran, all these beings that bear witness are designated as “signs”, meaning “tested evidence, absolute knowledge and expression of truth”.  Therefore, the signs of God comprise all the beings in the universe in that they disclose and communicate the being and attributes of God.  Those who can observe and remember will see that the entire universe is entirely composed of the signs of God.
This, indeed, is the responsibility of mankind: to be able to see the signs of God.  Thus, such a person will come to know the Creator who created him and all other things, draw closer to Him, discover the meaning of his existence and his life and so prosper.
Each thing, the breath a human takes; political and social developments; the cosmic harmony in the universe; the atom, which is one of the smallest pieces of matter, is each a sign of God, and they all operate under His control and knowledge, abiding by His laws.  Recognizing and knowing the signs of God calls for personal effort.  One will recognize and know the signs of God in accordance with his own wisdom and conscience.
Undoubtedly, some guidelines may also help.  As the first step, one can investigate certain points stressed in the Quran in order to acquire the mentality that perceives the whole universe as an articulation of the things created by God.
God’s signs in nature are emphasized in a chapter called “The Bee”:
“It is He who sends down water from the sky.  From it you drink and from it come the shrubs among which you graze your herds.  And by it He makes crops grow for you and olives and dates and grapes and fruit of every kind. Therein is certainly a sign in that for people who reflect.  He has made the night and the day subservient to you, and the sun, the moon and the stars, all subject to His command.  Therein are certainly signs in that for people who use their intellect.  And also, the things of varying colors He has created for you in the earth.  There is certainly a sign in that for people who pay heed.  It is He who made the sea subservient to you so that you can eat fresh flesh from it and bring out from it ornaments to wear.  And you see the ships cleaving through it so that you can seek His bounty, and so that perhaps you may show thanks.  He cast firmly embedded mountains on the earth so it would not move under you, and rivers, pathways, and landmarks so that perhaps you might be guided.  And they are guided by the stars.  Is He Who creates like him who does not create?  O will you not pay heed?”(Quran 16:10-17)
In the Quran, God invites men of understanding to think about the issues which other people overlook or just dismiss using such barren terms as “evolution”, “coincidence”, or “a miracle of nature”.
In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are Signs for people of intelligence: those who remember God standing, sitting and lying on their sides, and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth:
“Our Lord, You did not create this for nothing.  Glory be to You!  So guard us from the punishment of the Fire.” (Quran 3:191)
As we see in these verses, people of understanding see the signs of God and try to comprehend His eternal knowledge, power and art by remembering and reflecting on them, for God’s knowledge is limitless, and His act of creating flawless.
For men of understanding, everything around them is a sign of this creation. -

Friday, 10 January 2020


The Passion of Christ

“Then when Jesus felt their (persistence in) disbelief, he said, ‘Who will champion with me God’s (cause)?’  The disciples said, ‘We are the champions (of the cause) of God.  We believe in God, and be a witness that we are Muslims (submitting to Him).[1]  Our Lord, we have believed in what You have revealed, and we have followed the messenger, so write us down among the witnesses (to the truth).’  And they (who disbelieved) plotted, and God planned.  And God is the best of the planners.  When God said, ‘O Jesus, I will take you[2]  and raise you up to Me and clear you of those who disbelieve, and I will make those who follow you superior to those who disbelieve till the Day of Resurrection.  Then you will all return to Me, and I will judge between you in the matters you used to disagree in.’” (Quran 3:52-55)
“And for of their saying, ‘We have killed the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, the messenger of God.’  But they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but it was made to look like him to them.[3]  And those who disagree over him are in doubt (of killing him), they have no knowledge of it except the following of guesswork, and they did not kill him for certain.  But God raised him up to Himself.[4]  And God is All-­Powerful, All-­Wise.” (Quran 4:157-158)

The Followers of Jesus

“Then whoever argues with you about him (Jesus) after the knowledge that has come to you, (then) say, ‘Come and let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, then we all pray for the curse of God to fall on those who lie.’  Indeed, this is the true story.  And there is no deity that deserves to be worshipped except God.  And indeed, God is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.  But if they turn away (from accepting the truth), then indeed, God is aware of the corrupters.  Say, ‘O people of the Scripture: Come to a just statement[5]  between us and you, that we worship none but God, and that we associate no partners with Him, and that none of us takes others as lords besides God[6].’  But if they turn away, then say, ‘Be witnesses that we are Muslims (submitting to Him).’” (Quran 3:61-64)
“Surely, they have disbelieved those who say that God is the Christ, son of Mary.  Say, ‘Who then has the least power against God if He were to destroy the Christ son of Mary, his mother, and everyone on earth?’  And God has supreme authority over the heavens and the earth, and whatever is between them.  He creates what He wills, and God is Able to do all things.”  And the Jews and the Christians say, ‘We are the children of God and His loved ones.’ Say, ‘Why then does He punish you for your sins?’  Rather, you are only human beings from among those He has created.  He forgives whom He wills, and He punishes whom He wills.  And God has supreme authority over the heavens and the earth, and whatever is between them, and to Him is the return (of all).” (Quran 5:17-18)
“Surely, they have disbelieved who say, ‘God is the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary.’ But the Messiah said, ‘O Children of Israel, worship God, my Lord and your Lord.  Indeed, whoever sets up partners (in worship) with God, then God has forbidden him Paradise, and the Fire will be his home.  And there is none to help the wrong­doers.’  Surely, disbelievers are those who say, ‘God is the third of three.’[7]  But there is no god (that deserves to be worshipped) except One God.  And if they do not stop what they are saying, the disbelievers among them will suffer a painful punishment.  Will they not repent to God and seek His forgiveness?  For God is Oft-­Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Quran 5:72-74)
“And the Jews say, ‘Ezra is the son of God,’[8]  and the Christians say, ‘The Messiah is the son of God.’ That is the fabrication of their mouths.  They are imitating the claims of the disbelievers of before.  May God destroy them, how they turn away (from the truth).  They have taken their religious scholars and their monks as lords instead of God (by disobeying God and obeying them), and (they also have taken as their Lord) the Messiah, son of Mary.  But they were commanded to worship only one God, none has the right to be worshipped except Him.  Exalted is He above what they associate (with Him).”[9] (Quran 9:30-31)
“O you who believe, indeed many religious scholars and monks eat away people’s wealth unjustly, and turn (others) away from the way to God.  And those who treasure gold and silver, and do not spend it in the Way of God, then give them the news of a painful punishment.” (Quran 9:34)

The Second Coming

“And there is not one of the people of the Scripture but will believe in him before his death.[10]  And on the Day of Resurrection, he will be a witness against them.”[11] (Quran 4:159)
“And he (Jesus) is a sign of (the coming of) the Hour, so do not doubt it.[12]  And follow Me, this is a straight path (leading to God and His paradise).” (Quran 43:61)

Jesus on the Day of Resurrection

“‘When God will say,’ O Jesus, son of Mary, remember My favor upon you and upon your mother when I supported you with the Pure Spirit (Gabriel) and you spoke to people in the cradle and in old age; and when I taught you the Book, wisdom, the Torah and the Gospel; and when you made out of clay the likeness of a bird, by My permission, then you breathed into it, and it became a bird by My permission, and you healed the blind and the leper by My permission, and when you brought the dead to life by My permission; and when I restrained the Children of Israel from (killing) you when you came to them with clear proofs, but the disbelievers among them said, ‘This is nothing but plain magic.’” (Quran 5:110)
“And God will say (on the Day of Resurrection), ‘O Jesus, son of Mary, did you say to people, ‘Worship me and my mother instead of God?’[13]’  He will say, ‘Glory be to You!  It is not for me to say what I have no right (to say).  If I had said it, You would have known it.  You know what is (hidden) in myself and I do not know what is in Yours.  Indeed, You are the Knower of the unseen.’[14]  I did not tell them except what You commanded me, ‘Worship God, my Lord and your Lord.’ And I was a witness over them while I was among them, but when You took me up, You were the Watcher over them, and You are a Witness to all things.  If You punish them, they are Your servants, and if You forgive them, indeed You are the All-Mighty, the All-­Wise.”[15]  God will say, ‘This is the Day when the truth will benefit those who were truthful.  To them belong gardens with rivers running through it (in Paradise), where they will stay forever.  God is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him.  That is the great success.’  To God belongs the heavens and the earth and whatever is within them, and He is Able to do all.” (Quran 5:116-120) -
[1]The name given for the disciples in the Quran is al-Hawariyyun, which means the purified ones, like the color white.  It is also reported that they used to dress in white.
[2]Jesus was raised up in a state of sleep.  The word that is used here is wafah, which can mean sleep or death.  In Arabic, sleep is called the minor death.  See also verses 6:60 and 39:42, where the word wafah refers to sleep and not to death.  Since verse 4:157 denies the killing and crucifixion of Jesus, and since each human dies once but Jesus is supposed to come back to earth, the only remaining interpretation of the verse is sleep.
[3]The resemblance of Jesus was put on another, and it is he, not Jesus, who was crucified.  According to several commentaries on the Quran, the one who was crucified was one of the disciples, accepting the resemblance of Jesus, and martyring himself to save Jesus in return for paradise.
[4]Jesus was raised in body and soul, and did not die.  He still lives up there, and will return towards the end of time to earth.  After fulfilling his assigned role on earth, he will eventually die. 
[5]This is what all the prophets of God have called to and agreed upon.  And so this statement is not exclusive to one group, but is the common grounds for those who want to worship God.
[6]When one obeys another human in disobedience to God, he has taken him as a lord instead of God.
[7]In reference to the Trinity.
[8]Although not all Jews believed it, they failed to condemn it (see verses 5:78-79).  When a sin is allowed to persist and spread unopposed, the whole community becomes liable.
[9]The religious scholars are the ones possessing knowledge, and the monks are the ones immersed in ritual and worship.  Both are considered religious leaders and examples, and through their influence they can lead people astray.
[10]The pronoun in “his death” can refer to Jesus or to the individual from the people of the Scripture.  If it refers to Jesus, it means that all of the people of the Scripture will come to believe in Jesus on his second return to earth and before his death.  Jesus then will confirm that he is a prophet from God, not God nor the son of God, and will ask all people to worship God alone and submit to Him in Islam.  If the pronoun refers to the individual from the people of the Scripture, then the verse means that each one of them will see just before his death what will convince him that Jesus was a true prophet from God, and not God.  But that belief at that time will not benefit him, since it comes not out of free choice, but when he sees the angels of punishment.
[11]See verses 5:116-118.
[12]The second coming of Jesus will be a sign that the Day of Judgment is near.
[13]The worship of others with God is the same as worshipping them instead of God.  Both mean that worship is directed and given to someone other than God, yet God is the only One who can be worshipped.
[14]God, as Jesus said, knows that Jesus did not call for his own worship or his mother’s.  The aim of the question is to point to those who worship Jesus or Mary that if they were true followers of Jesus, they would stop that practice, because Jesus never called to it.  But if they persist, then let them know that Jesus will disown them on the Last Day, and that they have not been following him, but only following their personal preferences.
[15]In other words, You know who is worthy of punishment, so You will punish him.  And you know who is worthy of forgiveness, so You will forgive him.  For indeed, You are the Mighty who has the power to punish, and You are Wise in dispensing all affairs, so you forgive those who deserve forgiveness.